Chapter 119: The Fifth World (7)

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 The system was very curious about what the host had dreamed about, so that he was so frightened, but Chu Shici refused to tell.

 I confessed my love to Brother Zhe on the spur of the moment, but he didn't take it to heart.

 This is a classic. If his guess is correct, Brother Zhe will tell him after a while, "The species is too cross-domain and I don't accept it." '

 As soon as he finished thinking, Shen Xiuzhe's cold voice came from above his head, "I don't like speakers."

 Chu Shici groaned in his heart and wiped his tears, "Can't a talking smart speaker also work?"


 "I'm so sad, I want to cry again."


 Shen Xiuzhe pursed his lips and turned his head away uncomfortably.

 Chu Shici cheered up and teased Lao Gong. After teasing him, he remembered the dream he had just had. The more he thought about it, the sadder he became. He ran back to space, hugged the system and cried.

 While crying, he scolded it, "Fuck, more than ten people beat me!" I was about to run away, but they were playing dirty tricks and shocked me with electric batons! '

 The little beauty was crying online. The system listened to his cry and repeatedly jumped between hissing and feeling distressed.

 'They took turns forcing me. In the dream, I bled a lot and my whole body hurt. No matter how I screamed, no one came to save me! Hold me tight, I'm scared to death! '

 The system is a small ball of light with short hands.

 It tried its best to stretch out its arms and barely touched the host's back, [They all told you not to read so many pornographic and violent novels, but you didn't listen. 】

 Chu Shici was silent for a long time and said, "Brother Tong, can you help me find out what my original fate was." '

 [I don't have that much authority. I'll ask the boss when he comes tomorrow night. 】

 '? '

 [I took the initiative to invite you. When the time comes, give it a strong dose of medicine to make it cooked. If it doesn't take the initiative to take care of me, I will take the initiative to crawl into bed. Making money while lying down, oh my god, I can't help laughing just thinking about it. 】

 When he interrupted him, Chu Shici forgot to cry.

 'Drug? it's not good. '

 [Tsk, he secretly found someone to sell me the medicine. I know it all, but I won't tell it. We have a fake forced play tomorrow night. If you have anything to say, tell me clearly in advance. I will turn on Do Not Disturb after nine o'clock. 】

 According to the system, it had been flirting with its boss for several days, and the system gradually figured out something.

 The boss seemed to have been Brother Zhe's partner before, and secretly helped him escape punishment. He also stuffed Chu Shici in and secretly created a vitality value mission.

 The Supervision Department was very strict in its investigation. It was afraid that the system would expose this matter, so it used many methods.

 First, he imprisoned him, but after finding out that this didn't work, he promised to help pay off the house and car loans. In the end, the boss was forced to panic, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, and decided to sell his body and pull the system into the pirate ship.

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