Chapter 116: The Fifth World (4)

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 After about three minutes, the ringing stopped. The messy and noisy footsteps also disappeared.

 The small speaker shook the charging cable suspiciously, and just after a few moves, the plug was grabbed by Shen Xiuzhe.

 He lay motionless on his side on the bed, and even his breathing became much quieter.

 The surroundings were unusually quiet, and the atmosphere was particularly strange, which made Chu Shici inexplicably nervous.

 After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden 'ding-' sound in the corridor.

 Then there was the sound of rollers rubbing against the ground, and two people were pushing the cart.

 The voice moved from far to near, Chu Shici leaned on Shen Xiuzhe's chest, and he found that Brother Zhe's heartbeat was gradually speeding up.

 The car stopped when it reached their door.

 Shen Xiuzhe put down the small speaker, and changed his posture where he could easily jump up. The muscles all over his body were tense, and his momentum changed instantly.

 He changed from a delicate and fragile doll to a wolf lurking in the dark. It seemed that in the next second, someone's neck would be broken.

 Chu Shici was shocked.

 Judging by the movements Zhe Ge made, he is obviously a good fighter. It's not surprising if you think about it carefully, even if the first few World Zhe brothers were not at the ceiling of their combat power, they could still fight a group of them one by one.

 This seems to be the attribute of his soul.

 But Shen Xiuzhe is so good at fighting, how did he get caught?

 Seeing that it was time to fight, the small speaker brandished the charger.

 For a while, whoever dares to touch Brother Zhe will poke his eyes out with a plug.

 In the next second, Chu Shici heard the sound of the door opening.

 But it wasn't their door that opened, it was the opposite door.

 As the door opened, a man screamed in the corridor.

 He kept scratching the ground and shouted in horror, "Don't kill me! I will work hard to make money, don't take me away! Please, let me go!"

 "Help! Please don't hit me, let me go home! Don't kill me! Mom, Mom, I want to go home!!!"

 The man sounded like he was at least thirty years old. He had already collapsed in fright, begging for mercy at first, and finally just instinctively crying for his mother.

 He was tied to the car, and the two pushed him back.

 The man's yelling became smaller and smaller, and with the sound of the elevator 'ding-', the corridor returned to calm again.

 Shen Xiuzhe's body relaxed again, he didn't intend to discuss it, he seemed to be used to it.

 He lay back on the bed, picked up the small speaker and prepared to sleep.

 Chu Shici poked his finger with a plug, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Zhe, what happened just now?"

 Shen Xiuzhe didn't answer.

 "Where are they going to take that man with a cart? Dig a pit and bury it?"

 "You seem to know what to expect. Does this happen often?"

 Chu Shici's head was full of small question marks.

 He asked a lot of questions, but Shen Xiuzhe just replied indifferently, "It's not a cart, it's a stretcher bed."

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