Chapter 146: The Fifth World (34)

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 The moment he heard those words, Chu Shici's heart went cold.

 He shrank into the system space and hugged the confused system tightly.

 There were obviously so many doubts, but they didn't take it to heart. He was careless in trusting Shen Chengan rashly.

 As soon as the fat steward came in, Shen Chengan stopped smiling. He remained silent with a cold face, playing with the charging cable of the small speaker casually.

 The room was silent for a long time, and the fat steward repeated: "Have you found it?"

 Chu Shici looked at Shen Chengan blankly.

 Shen Chengan tapped the speaker lightly with his fingertips, and said with a hint of irritation in his calm tone: "No, everything in this room is normal."

 "The last time the psychiatrist checked, he said he was just depressed and anxious. According to my plan, he should have gone insane and become a lunatic. But he has come out of his self-isolation and even started thinking about how to deal with me. "

 The fat steward sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing his fat hands back and forth: "How could he recover so quickly without external intervention."

 His eyes glanced at the small speaker, "What are you doing with it?"

 Shen Chengan ignored him.

 The fat steward narrowed his eyes and his face suddenly darkened. He pulled out the baton from his waist and struck Shen Chengan hard.

 The baton grazed Shen Chengan's cheek and hit the wall with a bang.

 He grabbed Shen Chengan's collar and said, "Don't forget your current situation!"

 Chu Shici, who had been watching nervously, seemed to tremble slightly when he saw Shen Chengan's body.

 The fat steward did not use his baton, slapped him a few times with his bare hands, and threatened viciously: "There are many people who are greedy for the great painter Shen. I can't sleep with a real person, and it will be the same with you. Before, I just took off your clothes, and then I find out you are doing something behind your back." ..."

 He didn't finish his words, but everyone present could understand what he meant.

 Shen Chengan lowered his head and remained motionless.

 The fat steward stretched out his hand to him and said, "Give me the stuff."

 This time Shen Chengan didn't resist. The fat steward took the small speaker and looked back and forth, "What's wrong with it?"

 "have no idea."

 "Then why do you keep holding it."

 "It feels good and he always has it."

 The fat steward fiddled with it for a long time, his brows getting tighter and tighter.

 Seeing Brother Liu's increasingly fierce expression, Chu Shici suddenly had a bad feeling.

 The next second, Brother Liu left the small speaker on the ground, picked up his baton and smashed it down hard.

 Chu Shici, hiding in the space, silently hugged the ball of light in his arms. Every time the fat steward hit him, he couldn't help but tremble.

 The system patted Chu Shici comfortingly, but when he looked up, he found that his face was pale and his eyes were fixed on Shen Chengan's expression, not missing any detail.

 The room was very quiet, and the sound of the speaker casing breaking sounded particularly harsh.

 Shen Chengan sat on the bed, leaning against the wall. He looked calm, put his hands under the quilt, and showed no intention of coming out to stop him.

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