Chapter 22: The First World (22)

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 The reason why the empire was able to accurately find Su Zheyan before was because he lived obediently in the capsule cabin and didn't go anywhere.

 Coupled with the fact that there was little fog at that time, it was possible to roughly capture the direction of Beta.

 Not today, the fog over the wilderness is thick. Putting the positioning machine in front of Su Zheyan, it didn't respond.

 Chu Shici, who was even far away in the city, was faintly affected, and kept walking along the crutch.

 Yongsheng Technology is full of professionally trained bodyguards, who quickly escorted Zuo Ting and opened a bloody road on the main street of the night market.

 During the scuffle, the mask worn by the leader accidentally fell off. Chu Shici saw his appearance clearly, and quickly tugged at the fingers beside him.

 Su Zheyan didn't say anything, he grabbed the robot and put it on top of his head. Turn around and close the window, draw the curtains.

 Chu Shici grabbed his golden hair, "Brother Yan! Is that Zuo Ting's clone?"

 Su Zheyansi was silent for a long time, and when Chu Shici thought he would not answer, he hesitated and said: "Not necessarily, maybe the one sent to the empire is a clone, this is the real body. It is impossible to distinguish the true from the false by the appearance alone. Will be falsified and require genetic testing."

 "Is there no other test method?"

 Su Zheyan fell into silence again, and after a long while said softly: "When I was thinking about this problem, an object inexplicably appeared in my mind. It was black and long, and I couldn't remember what it was."

 Chu Shici was talking to him while sitting on top of his head with pigtails.

 He had just tied a small twist, when he suddenly remembered something, "Long strip? There was a lot of dust on the second floor of the bookshelf in the capsule cabin, and there were long strip marks on it. I saw it when I was wandering around in it."

 Chu Shici stretched out his hand to compare: "It's about as wide as my head, and one-third longer than my height."

 Su Zheyan felt a little heavy on the top of his head, he took down the robot, "You describe it really clearly."

 "I lay down and measured it. Are you smart? Praise me."

 Chu Shici's last "praise me" was just casually, but Su Zheyan seemed to take it seriously. Staring at him blankly for a while, an unnatural blush appeared on his fair face.

 He seemed to be very bad at speaking nice words, so he held back for a long time before saying 'awesome'.

 Chu Shici covered his chest and said to the system in his mind, "Brother Tong, I'm in love again." '

 【fraud! roll! 】

 These hotels in Huangxing are all run by veteran criminals in partnership. The first few groups who came to Huangxing formed gangs to expand their power. The elder brother builds a city, and the younger brother opens a store in the city.

 There are no workers here, and no robots. Just enslave other alphas and build houses for them. I will work for Yongsheng Technology and come back with some furniture. Those things are worthless in the empire, but they are scarce on Desolate Star.

 Although it has a hotel sign, it rarely does hotel business.

 When encountering a strong alpha staying in the hotel together, everyone lives in peace. If the visitor is a slightly weaker alpha or a lone ranger, they will close the door, knock them out, arrest them, and send them to the night market at night to earn extra money. If there are beta or omega, then this place will directly change from a hotel to a kiln.

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