Chapter 43: The Second World (8)

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 Mingzhe is precocious. It's not that he doesn't know how to save himself, but he gave up calling the police.

 He was afraid that after calling the police, not only Uncle Liu would go to jail, but his parents would too.

 His parents didn't want him at all, and he was born purely by accident. No one applauds Mingzhe's birth, he is well-behaved and sensible, in their eyes he is dull and gloomy.

 And Uncle Liu went whoring a small sandbag for nothing.

 Everyone gets what they want, and the two families are very happy.

 Mingzhe is easy to raise, Uncle Liu will share a bite with him when he eats, and he will be as long as he doesn't starve to death.

 Now it is nine-year compulsory education, and schooling does not cost money. Mingzhe can't decide what to eat, so bring some breakfast for lunch.

 Uncle Liu didn't give him money, so he went to the trash can to look through stationery and exercise books.

 In Uncle Liu's plan, Mingzhe doesn't need to go to high school, and he will go out to work as soon as he turns sixteen.

 The child is very sensible, and raising him is easier than raising a dog. Not only does it cost no money, but it can also make a small profit after a few years.

 Mingzhe is very smart, he can guess all the small thoughts of adults.

 Huge fists landed on him, causing severe pain all over his body.

 Not far away is the dining table, Mingzhe uses both hands and feet, trying to crawl under the dining table to hide.

 Just as his bruised hand touched the table leg, Uncle Liu grabbed his ankle and dragged him back abruptly.

 Father Ming grabbed his hair and slapped his face hard, "How dare you hide! How dare you hide! I fucking gave birth to you and raised you, and you dare to call the police!"

 Usually when he was beaten, Mingzhe didn't make a sound.

 This time it may have been too hard, he kept crying for mercy and screaming for his father.

 As soon as Father Ming let go, Mingzhe fell limply on the ground, his thin body curled up.

 No matter how he tried to hide, he couldn't avoid Father Ming's fist.

 Uncle Liu saw that he would not bear any consequences for beating him, so he also pulled out his belt.

 Ming's mother stood aside and watched, saying that it's okay, but she didn't stop her in the slightest.

 The pain spread across Mingzhe's body, from the skin to the bone marrow little by little, and finally into the soul.

 On a hot summer night, he was too cold to shiver.

 Mingzhe twitched in pain, and stretched out his hand to Ming's mother, "Mom, save me!!!"

 Ming's mother glanced at him, she was sure that no one would be killed, so she looked away.

 This scene was reflected in Mingzhe's bloodshot pupils, and the pain gradually turned into anger, burning in his chest.

 He spat out a mouthful of blood foam and looked straight at the people in front of him.

 Mingzhe was afraid that if he called the police, his parents would go to jail. He thought that as long as he was sensible and obedient, his parents would love him.

 Since you hate him, why did you give birth to him?

 The belt slapped his face, completely shattering the last hope in Mingzhe's heart.

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