Chapter 173: The Sixth World (24)

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 Thick smoke drifted over the forest, making people choke and breathless. The fire was so intense that the area shrouded in smoke was completely black.

 The wizard propped up an oval water barrier in the black smoke, covering him and his evil spirit servants.

 Ji Huaizhe leaned against the charred tree across the water shield. He held the wand tightly in his right hand, his wrist trembling uncontrollably and his knuckles turning slightly white.

 His right hand was forcibly pulled and placed on the servant's waist.

 The blond man's waist is very thin, but he is very explosive.

 Ji Huaizhe exercised intensely for more than an hour and just cried for a long time. Now his brain is lacking oxygen.

 Chu Shici hooked his neck and raised his head to rub his cheek, "Brother, I really kissed him."

 The topic jumped so quickly that Ji Huaizhe couldn't react.

 He thought briefly, tilting his head in confusion.

 Chu Shici buried his head in Brother Zhe's arms, trying not to laugh out loud.

 Ji Huaizhe didn't know why, so he subconsciously raised his hands and hugged her tightly, "Why are you kissing me? We don't have anything else to talk about."

 Chu Shici asked him with a smile: "Just tell me if you don't like it."

 A trace of hesitation flashed across Ji Huaizhe's face, and then he hummed in a cold tone: "I hate it, don't make such jokes again."

 "I haven't kissed you yet, you are so annoying. Try it, don't be shy, come on! Brother Zhe, let's try a kiss!"

 The system was so excited that it howled like a wolf, [Ahhh, it's a beauty TieTie! ! ! Show me your mouth! Shishashaha! 】

 [Kill me to cheer you up! Anyway, his clothes are torn, so you can tear them apart a little more, and then go for a walk after the kiss. Don't take off your clothes, I asked, and as long as you're fully clothed, I won't be blocked. Show me your clothes! quick! 】


 [I have taken off my pants, don't dawdle, work harder! Mouth him! 】

 '......roll. '

 Chu Shici's soul is outside and is inconvenient for the education system.

 He turned on silent mode and pretended that the old pervert didn't exist.

 Chu Shici didn't give Ji Huaizhe time to prepare. Amidst the screams of the system, he pressed Brother Zhe against the tree, tiptoed slightly and kissed him.

 Chu Shici was skillful in his movements and his kissing skills were surprisingly good.

 The blush quickly spread from Ji Huaizhe's neck to his cheeks, and even his ears were so red that they bled.

 Within a few seconds of the kiss, Ji Huaizhe was stunned.

 His mind went blank at first, and then he began to think uncontrollably.

 He thought a lot for a moment, but in the end there was only one thought left in his mind.

 Why is his baby kissing skill so good?

 This was Ji Huaizhe's first kiss, and he had no other reference.

 But he had no urge to be kissed. The technical content of this kiss was beyond the standard no matter how you thought about it.

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