Chapter 114: The Fifth World (2)

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 Being locked in a small black room, Chu Shici could only judge what was happening outside by listening to the sound.

 He was not angry with Brother Zhe, nor did he feel uncomfortable. He knew they were lovers, but in Shen Xiuzhe's eyes, he was a dangerous stranger.

 Chu Shici is very distressed now.

 For Brother Zhe, who was accidentally blind, was he suddenly locked into a dark room by the whole world and could never get out again.

 Shen Xiuzhe turned over a few times on the wire bed, got out of bed and began to walk back and forth in the room, as if he was looking for the utility knife that fell on the ground.

 He kept groping and searching with his hands, but the speed of finding was very slow.

 At around ten o'clock in the evening, there was the sound of the door opening outside, and several people walked into the house.

 Chu Shici heard one of them knock on the table, "Mr. Shen, how is the painting?"

 Shen Xiuzhe has regained his composure, and he said lightly: "It will take at least three more days."

 "so slow?"

 "If you don't watch me, I'll draw faster."

 Hearing Brother Zhe say this, Chu Shici touched the system, 'Brother Zhe firmly believes that I am a talking monitor, Brother Tong, he won't send me out, will he? '

 [I also think there is too much misunderstanding between you, how can you talk about sweet love if this continues. I'll go to the forum and find you a plug-in that can also be used with small speakers. 】

 After the system finished speaking, it slipped away, leaving only Chu Shici to face the reality alone.

 He held his breath and listened nervously to the conversation of several people.

 The man with some accent smiled, "Mr. Shen, what are you talking about, we are not monitoring you."

 Shen Xiuzhe didn't speak, but just sneered mockingly.

 His attitude seemed to have angered the visitor, and the man suddenly slapped the table, "Shen Xiuzhe, don't be ashamed! You think you are still the old Shen Da painter!"

 "If you don't like me, you can kill me."

 "Kill you? You think so beautifully, I. Fuck you!"

 Shen Xiuzhe reacted calmly, "Touch me once, and I won't draw another picture in the future. Even if I bite with my mouth, I will bite my hands to pieces."

 The room suddenly fell into a deathly silence, and the man's angry gasps became extraordinarily loud and piercing.

 After a long time, he took a deep breath, and his tone eased, "Sorry, I've been under a lot of pressure recently, and I was a little excited just now. Mr. Shen, take a good rest, and a psychiatrist will come to give you advice after a while."

 "I'm mentally healthy, so I went to remove the surveillance."

 "Those surveillance cameras were used to monitor the last person, and they haven't been turned on since you moved in."


 Chu Shici heard a few clear crisp sounds, it was someone squeezing a fist.

 The man laughed twice, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you two, go to deal with the garbage."

 Several people began to walk around the house, dismantling three monitors in several hidden corners.

 Chu Shici was a little surprised.

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