Chapter 81: The Third World (28)

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 In private, the People's League has been doing the business of buying and selling people.

 They provide protection for the second-five youngsters like the blood alliance, and the blood alliance selects good-looking humans to sell to the alliance.

 These people are then processed into transformed people and sold to other places.

 The People's League pretends to be the leader of human survivors, but the actual core figure is actually an alien from Star City.

 Gu Yunzhe knew about these things very early on.

 But before that, all those who were sold were A-level agents.

 His task completion rate is 100%, and he has also participated in the important operation of 'killing' the pigeons, so he is regarded as a tool man favored by the Renmeng League.

 Why did Renmeng sell him?

 These one hundred agents were not sent to the buyer immediately, and they had to go through special training.

 At the request of buyers, these agents must learn how to seduce.

 Gu Yunzhe was assigned to a small class because of his poor comprehension.

 Others have learned how to use body language to make the target fascinated, but he is still at the stage of learning to wink.

 The teacher was almost blind, but the winking eyes he threw out could still stop the children from crying at night.

 Gu Yunzhe felt that it was meaningless to learn these things, and it would definitely not be useful in the fourth district.

 He practiced in front of the mirror every day, looking for suitable opportunities to escape.

 A few days later, the boss who had been giving him tasks suddenly found him.

 The boss led him to the office, 'You have completed every task perfectly, I am very optimistic about you. I have a classified mission for you to perform. '

 According to the boss, it is the fourth security zone that buys in bulk from Renmeng.

 On the surface, the People's League is the leader of the human camp, and has a good relationship with large and small forces.

 The senior agents are all recognized beauties, not only liked by aliens, but also by humans.

 The People's League often sells A-level agents to other forces as slaves.

 This kind of people buying and selling can't be put on the bright side, it's all done secretly.

 This time, the fourth district wants to buy a hundred beauties to go back and play.

 The task assigned to Gu Yunzhe by his boss is to let him take the opportunity to sneak into the fourth district, steal the internal confidential information, and assassinate the senior officials of the fourth district.

 The People's League wants to do big things and swallow the four districts completely.

 The corner of Gu Yunzhe's mouth curled into a mocking smile.

 The senior executives of the fourth security area are not fools. If they buy other people's agents back to play, they will definitely be on guard.

 They will be imprisoned, unable to do anything other than being insulted by different people every day.

 After thinking about it for a while, Gu Yunzhe understood what was going on.

 The purchase of S-level agents in the fourth district is a foregone conclusion, and the boss has the final say on which batch of agents to sell.

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