Chapter 98: The Fourth World (12)

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 After teasing Brother Zhe, Chu Shici jumped off his hand, picked up a piece of animal biscuit and ate it.

 He could feel that someone was staring at him from behind, and when he turned his head, Xun Zhe was basking in the sun behind him.

 Bathed in the sun, the snow-white scales glisten, and the skin is so white that it almost glows.

 A pair of golden eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a sense of laziness and carelessness.

 Chu Shici raised his eyebrows and turned around again, the feeling of being stared at appeared again.

 The system drank tea and watched the excitement, 【He is peeking at you. 】

 'I know, let him hang out for a few days. '

 【Didn't he say he doesn't accept it? There is a heroine in this book, aren't you afraid that he will run away with the heroine? 】

 'No, Brother Zhe is so careful, tsk. I'm all for him, but he does care about species being different. He didn't think about whether he should accept it, and he liked the feeling of me sticking to him. So I chose a compromise method and let me continue chasing him. '

 Chu Shici patted the biscuit crumbs in his hand, and chuckled silently, "I didn't follow him, he said no, don't regret it in the future." '

 The system didn't understand, [After Gu Yunzhe rejected you in the last world, why didn't you react like this. 】

 "Gu Yunzhe lost his memory and was hunted down. He was in a desperate situation and I was the only one beside him. Whether he is willing to accept it or not, he will explain to me well, and strive to be friends if he can't be a lover. It really drove me away, he would be terrified if he was left alone. Gu Yunzhe said no, it means that he really couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart at the time. '

 'Xun Zhe's situation is much better than Gu Yunzhe's, he doesn't have so many worries. I secretly kissed him and touched his abs. If he really didn't like me, he would have parted ways with me long ago because of these things. He said he refused, but in fact he was waiting for me to chase him with his tail up. '

 Chu Shici paused, then turned to look at the snake demon basking in the sun, "He is a thousand-year-old snake demon, he always wins every fight, and he still thinks he would be caught five hundred years ago. . He is not controlled by others, he is full of confidence, he will do whatever he wants in front of me, and play with his temper casually. '

 【The vitality value...】

 'It's okay, after leaving the cave, he no longer depends on me for the growth of his vitality. He has regained his freedom and can see the outside world. There is no longer only the little monk in his life, so I don't have to be too cautious in doing things now. '

 Xun Zhe occupied the window sill, pressed his hands against the glass, and looked down at the cars running around on the road.

 Sensing the gaze of the little monk, he moved his body indistinctly, leaving a small space next to his hand, and then continued to stare at the car expressionlessly.

 Chu Shici pretended not to understand, and sat there without going over.

 A few minutes later, the snake's tail began to shake slightly, and its owner was also peeking at him from the corner of his eye.

 Chu Shici greeted the system and signaled it to look at the tail.

 The system giggled strangely, [Oh Yoyo, little Tsundere. 】

 Xun Zhe quickly noticed the reaction of the snake tail, and his lower body quickly turned into legs.

 He pulled the sheet on the side around his body, without even looking at the little monk, he went straight to the bathroom to fill in the water for a bath.

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