Chapter 51: The Second World (16)

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 Dr. Chen bought a pass, and the few of them played until the end of the night show at ten o'clock in the evening before leaving Happy City.

 During this period, Mingzhe has been dragged around by Xian Ningning, and has little communication with Dr. Chen.

 The people in Happy City gradually dispersed, they sat on the outdoor chairs of the restaurant, waiting for their friends to come over.

 Dr. Chen handed Mingzhe a form, "It happens that Dr. Liu is here, and we will see you together."

 Xian Ningning hesitated for a moment, "Then should I avoid it?"

 With that said, she got up and wanted to go to a shop not far away to see goldfish.

 Xiao Liu pressed her shoulder, "It's okay, aren't you Mingzhe's friend, he can relax a bit if you stay by his side."

 Xian Ningning was a little dazed: "But when I watch TV, the psychiatrist sees patients one-on-one..."

 Xiao Liu interrupted her: "Brother Chen and Mingzhe are friends, besides, we are not in the hospital, so don't be so restrained."

 During the whole process, Mingzhe watched them quietly.

 Under Xian Ningning's onlookers, Mingzhe began to fill out the form.

 There were still some tourists around, and a few children ran to them blowing bubbles.

 Dr. Chen took the form from Mingzhe and discussed and analyzed it with Xiao Liucou.

 Their voices were neither high nor low, and everyone around the table could hear them.

 The more Xian Ningning listened, the more worried she became, and she looked at Ming Zhe worriedly from time to time.

 A few minutes later, Dr. Chen put away the form and said softly to Mingzhe: "Your illness has improved a lot, and you have changed from severe depression to mild depression. This is a good thing Mingzhe, congratulations."

 The children held the bubble machine in their hands, and the sky full of bubbles flew by them.

 The child looked curiously at the adults sitting in a circle, and finally set his sights on Mingzhe.

 Chu Shici noticed that Mingzhe's breathing rate had changed slightly.

 Several adults came over and took away the children playing with bubbles.

 A girl asked, "Mom, what is mild depression?"

 The adult covered his mouth: "It's a disease. When you meet them in the future, stay away from them. It's not against the law to beat someone with a mental illness."

 Mental illness and psychiatrists are still new words.

 For the generation who have derailed from the Internet, many common mental illnesses in the future can be uniformly classified into the scope of mental illness.

 Chu Shici gritted his teeth.

 It's real! Even if Dr. Chen is not a bad person, he has no medical ethics.

 Xian Ningning also heard it, but the focus was different from Chu Shici.

 She picked up the plastic chair and was about to rush forward.

 "Can you pay attention to what you say, you can be mentally ill in everything, don't push me if you are uneducated!"

 Mingzhe sighed, and dragged the screaming Xianningning back.

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