Chapter 92: The Fourth World (6)

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 Chu Shici did not expect Xun Zhe to be so easily satisfied.

 After chatting with Xun Zhe for a while, he always had a strange feeling.

 He thought for a while, "Brother, aren't you a thousand-year-old snake demon? What have you been doing for those thousand years?"

 It was probably the first time he was defended by someone, and Xun Zhe's attitude towards him was not as cold as before.

 Under his questioning, he roughly talked about his life before being locked up.

 There is a lot of content, and Chu Shici made a summary.

 Bask in the sun during the day, bask in the moon at night, and take a bath in the river on cloudy days. Turn into human form during festivals and go out to join in the fun.

 The reason why I can speak human language and understand human relations is that I often hang on a tree near the temple to observe the pilgrims and monks in the temple.

 When the monster's spiritual wisdom first opened, it was no different from a child, learning things quickly.

 He didn't find a master, and no one taught him. Relying on imitating others and comprehending by himself, he finally succeeded in cultivating into a thousand-year-old snake demon who understands human affairs.

 Chu Shici was shocked.

 He asked Xun Zhe, "Do you rarely interact with people?"

 "I am a snake, and people are afraid of snakes."

 "Then don't you have friends who know more about human society?"

 "Snakes live alone. I am a demon and will not be affected by the estrus period. There is no need to gather with other snakes."

 Chu Shici stomped his feet.

 So disappointed, he originally wanted to come and enjoy the intense and exciting estrus period, but it seems that he has no chance.

 "I can understand that you don't play with ordinary snakes, but there are no other monsters in the mountains?"

 Xun Zhe hummed, and his tone was as indifferent as ever, "Only I have intelligence, and they are all beasts. This mountain is my territory, and monsters coming from outside need my permission before they can come in and out at will."

 Brother Zhe has just changed his skin, and his personality has changed slightly, but he is still the same person in essence.

 After being together for hundreds of years, no one knows his man better than Chu Shici.

 He poked at the white snake's scales resentfully: "You've been tricked like this, what else do you have to be proud of?"

 "Others are not deeply involved in the world, and you have never been involved in the world at all. You have lived in the deep mountains and old forests for more than a thousand years, and you don't even have a friend who can talk. With this life experience, you still dare to go down the mountain to eliminate evil."

 Xun Zhe wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Chu Shici, "Before you helped those women, did you go down the mountain to investigate?"

 Xun Zhe looked at him expressionlessly, "Well, I've done an investigation, why do you ask that?"

 Chu Shici felt that brother Zhe in this world seemed easy to deceive, but he didn't dare to tell the truth.

 Facts have proved that Xun Zhe has no contact with society, his brain is fine, and his IQ was also online a thousand years ago.

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