Chapter 142: The Fifth World (30)

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 Shen Xiuzhe has a very good memory. He can remember all the contents in the USB flash drive after listening to it only once.

 Chu Shici couldn't remember it, but the system had a built-in recording applet, and he could take it out and listen to it at any time.

 Hiding the USB flash drive, Chu Shici calmed down. He remembered that he had just cried in a daze and vaguely heard some movement in the background.

 Open the background, where there will be a message prompting the vitality value to increase. It shows Shen Xiuzhe's current vitality value, which is 75 points.

 I finally spoke out what I had been suppressing in my heart, and received the full support of my lover.

 Shen Xiuzhe was very happy, and his vitality level increased a lot in one breath, but Chu Shici became even more anxious.

 There are only five points left before he becomes a human being, and he can complete the great harmony of life before his eyes, but he is stuck here.

 Shen Xiuzhe had no objection to the male protagonist's arrangement. He changed the white cloth and put it on again, and ate slowly.

 Looking at Shen Xiuzhe, who looked calm and had even begun to think about how to cooperate with the work, Chu Shici sighed helplessly.

 Fortunately, Brother Zhe has a fierce aura and a hard fist, otherwise it would be easy to suffer losses with this temperament.

 No, he has already suffered a loss.

 If Brother Zhe hadn't been so uncontested, greedy, and undemanding, he wouldn't have been easily deprived of military power in the first place, and he wouldn't have been tricked into punishing the world for suffering.

 Chu Shici had a hot temper and would explode at the slightest moment.

 He originally thought he could safely cooperate with the male protagonist, but after hearing those plans, he felt he had to be on guard.

 The male protagonist did not put Brother Zhe on an equal footing in his heart. There was an unquestionable command in his tone and a hint of deeply hidden disgust.

 Chu Shici was afraid that the hero's words would not count. When the data was cleared, Brother Zhe would be finished.

 Originally, he didn't want to separate from Brother Zhe, but now he decided to lurk next to the male protagonist as a smart speaker and keep a close eye on him.

 If there is a chance, think of another way to find some trump cards and hold them in your hands. Even if the male protagonist is really not a good guy, they still have the capital to negotiate.

 Chu Shici said nothing, and Shen Xiuzhe ate silently. The room that was noisy just now is now silent.

 The system didn't see the excitement, and was about to go back and knit a sweater for my wife. As soon as he picked up the wool, he was pulled back by the host.

 Chu Shici sat opposite it, tapping his knees with his fingertips.

 'Brother Tong, have you noticed that the male protagonist is not a real person, he is not kind. '

 The system thought it was something to eat, and pricked up its ears excitedly.

 'He seemed to say a lot in the recording, but in fact he concealed several very important points. '

 Chu Shici opened his notes and said, "Look, the focus of his narrative can be simply summarized as, "The history of the development of new prisons in the context of a world of excessive entertainment." He also explains what the chicken, dog, monkey and mouse represent, giving a rough introduction to the cycle. '

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