Chapter 105: The Fourth World (19)

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 Chu Shici was only as big as a palm, so he couldn't wipe away Xun Zhe's tears.

 Seeing Brother Zhe's face getting paler, he gritted his teeth, "Brother Tong, get my soul out, I want to hug him." '

 Xun Zhe, who was lowering his head, suddenly felt something extra beside him.

 He turned his head vigilantly, the mist in his eyes blurring his vision.

 Standing in front of him was a man with light blond hair, his facial features were delicate and soft, and his skin was fair. There was a gentle smile on his handsome face.

 The moment the two looked at each other, the man raised his hand to wipe his tears carefully, and opened his arms to him.

 Xun Zhe has already recognized that this is the soul of Xiaomujing.

 He clenched the monk's wooden carving in his hand, raised his arms to hug the man's slender waist, and buried his head into his shoulder.

 Monsters can touch the soul, Chu Shici only felt that water droplets kept hitting his shoulders, and his soul was almost wet.

 He patted Xun Zhe on the back, "Brother Zhe, it's all right. It's because they have corrupt morals and mental illness. It's not your fault, you're fine."

 Suddenly being comforted, the grievances that had been suppressed in Xun Zhe's heart for hundreds of years broke out completely.

 He seldom made a sound when he was crying, but Chu Shici felt that Brother Zhe was shaking.

 The arm around his waist was so strong that it almost wanted to melt him into his body, making his soul ache.

 Chu Shici tilted his head and kissed the snake demon's soft silver hair, "Brother Zhe, you have me now, so you don't need to hide your pain anymore. You can tell me what's on your mind in the future."

 He comforted him for a long time, and finally Xun Zhe's choked and sobbing voice came from his ears: "I saved a few people, and they said they would repay me and feed me energy."

 Chu Shici raised his heart, and he stroked the snake demon's back, "What happened later."

 "I have been cultivating by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, and few monsters talk to me. At that time, I didn't understand what it meant to absorb the essence."

 He sniffed and hugged Chu Shici even tighter.

 From Xun Zhe's intermittent crying, Chu Shici roughly heard what happened to him back then.


 The snake demon lives in the back mountain of Dayang Tianming Temple, and hangs on a nearby tree to practice every day, observing human life by the way.

 People who come to Dayang Tianming Temple to offer incense, regardless of their private character, will show a good side in front of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

 At that time, the monks in the temple were also serious monks. They ate fast and recited scriptures all day long to solve the worries and problems of the pilgrims. Seeing the white snake coiled on the branch all the year round, he would salute to him.

 Sometimes it is too cold in winter, and the little white snake will run to the temple and live with the monks in the monk's house. The old monk specially built a small nest for him, and the little novice often played with him in his arms.

 Xun Zhe grew up in such a warm, friendly and spotless environment. In his eyes, the world is beautiful and human beings are friendly and kind.

 He has no access to the ugly side of human nature, nor does he know anything about love.

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