Chapter 99: The Fourth World (13)

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 From the current point of view, Empress Sunny completed the fusion of the fox and the monkey.

 The other animals didn't know if they didn't have time to fuse, or she didn't show it.

 The bodies of those two monsters were controlled by her, and they had no consciousness at all, basically tantamount to death.

 Now the relationship between Xun Zhe and Dayangtian has reached a situation where there is no end to death.

 Xun Zhe's face was terribly gloomy, and the white marble in his hand was about to be squeezed out of water.

 He pondered for a while, then suddenly sneered. With a slight force of fingers, the white marble was crushed into powder.

 "She separated some fragments from the main body and put them in the golden statue. I don't know where the real body is hiding, and all I saw before were her clones. Killing her is very simple, just find the main body."

 Xun Zhe touched the young monk's bare head, picked up the stones on the lotus platform, and crushed them all.

 She can come and go through the fragments freely, and keeping them is a hidden danger.

 He lowered his eyes and looked at the dust on the ground, "Her body is too damaged, and it is difficult to make a breakthrough no matter how much she practices. Killing her is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in how to find her body."

 Chu Shici was a little panicked, "Is there a way to quickly lock her position?"

 "Di Ting and Bai Ze know about it, but they don't care about it."

 Xun Zhe only said this sentence, and there was no further text.

 Chu Shici understood what he meant.

 Dayang Tianniang's level is too low, and the two legendary beasts don't care about the fight between the little monsters, so it's useless to find them.

 After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any good solution, and finally Xun Zhe decided to be reckless.

 She tried her best to help people get fetuses, even separated a part of her body, and put a golden statue in the temple, explaining that taking fetuses is an important part of her plan.

 After swallowing the millennium white fox, she pretended to be an ancestor to deceive other little fox demons, and the Fox Fairy Temple was one of her strongholds.

 When Chu Shici asked him what his plans were, Xun Zhe narrowed his eyes with a mocking smile on his lips.

 "Retire early tonight. Tomorrow, I will go to Duanhu Fairy Temple first, and then go to Lingshan to find the Monkey Clan. Isn't she good at hiding? I will destroy all her family property and force her to come out to see me."

 The little monk was so handsome that his legs were weak, and he silently supported his abdominal muscles.

 White Snake is usually naked, and doesn't like to wear a shirt when alone with him.

 This is not a good habit, but Chu Shici has no intention of telling Brother Zhe to change. He is very happy now.

 When it was almost dawn, a guest came to the hotel, and Xun Zhe's plan to take away the Fox Immortal Temple was forced to be postponed.

 Chu Shici, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by a rustling sound.

 He opened his eyes in a daze, sat on Xun Zhe's hand and looked around.

 A big black hole appeared on the hotel floor at some point, and a sea of ​​fiery red flowers could be faintly seen through the big hole.

 Xun Zhe still maintained the shape of a snake tail, caressing the little monk with one hand, and leaning lazily on the bed with his cheek propped up with the other.

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