Chapter 62: The Third World (9)

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 On that leaflet, Chu Shici smelled a conspiracy.

 He squatted all afternoon, trying to figure out what this thing was.

 But Elder Liu didn't cooperate very much, he didn't have the habit of talking to himself, and Chu Shici didn't gain anything.

 At 8 o'clock in the evening, the underground air-raid shelter rang the broadcast. Inform everyone to worship in the direction of the branches, and then you can turn off the lights and go to sleep.

 One could faintly hear the prayers of believers outside the wooden house.

 Chu Shici's soul ran into the system space and accompanied it to choose furniture.

 Halfway through the selection, the system suddenly let out a snort, 【Why doesn't he kneel? 】

 Chu Shici looked with his head.

 Elder Liu sat on the chair, with an unidentified mockery in his old and cloudy eyes.

 Looking at the thick branches not far from the wooden house, and the believers scrambling to sacrifice their limbs to the branches, he grinned and mocked in a low voice: "A group of idiots."

 Seeing this scene, Chu Shici suddenly thought of something.

 He flew out of the house without making a sound, and went to check in several nearby wooden houses one by one.

 All the high-ranking members of the Blood Alliance who were resting in the wooden hut were all busy with their own business, and none of them knelt down to worship the gods.

 Outside the villas, there are low-level believers who have cut off their tongues and hoped that the gods would heal their wives and daughters.

 These people have nothing and can't get food in exchange.

 In order to survive, some hang signs on their bodies, sell themselves to strangers with a piece of biscuit and a little bread. Those who couldn't live on had no choice but to kowtow to the branches, hoping that the gods they believed in would manifest themselves.

 In the villa, there were high-level personnel drinking red wine and standing by the window watching.

 They swirled wine glasses and ate fresh steaks. While laughing at the ignorance of believers, he complained that the bloody pictures affected his appetite.

 The darkened underground air-raid shelter seems to be divided into two worlds.

 Chu Shici remarked, "Fucking scum."

 After the lights were completely turned off, the air-raid shelter was pitch black.

 According to Gu Yunzhe's plan, he flew into several high-rise rooms one after another.

 When he got into the last house, he saw that the lights were on inside the house, and two high-ranking members of the Blood Alliance were talking in a low voice.

 One of them removed the beak mask, "The third season is about to start, I'm a little worried."

 The companion looked puzzled: "What are you worried about?"

 "The members of the first two competition areas have not returned. Do you think the People's League will kill us after using us?"

 "Even if they are dead, it has nothing to do with us. They really believe in night walkers. We summoned that thing together. It's just a monster that eats people. Only a sick mind will believe it."

 Hearing what his companion said, the man looked around and lowered his volume.

 "You mean, Elder Liu sent those people there knowingly that the People's League would kill donkeys? Then this time, will we also..."

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