Chapter 18: The First World (18)

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 After purchasing supplies, Su Zheyan was about to leave the town before the night market.

 When we walked to the main street, several alphas were playing football.

 The noisy sound outside attracted Chu Shici's attention. He poked his head out of his pocket to see what happened.

 Before he could see clearly, Su Zheyan pushed his head back. He was not released until he was out of the city.

 Chu Shici raised his head and asked him, "Brother Yan? What happened just now?"

 Su Zheyan kept silent with a cold face, looking in a bad mood.

 The system spoke tremblingly, [I can see clearly, those alphas are kicking people's heads. 】

 'I'm not surprised. '

 [The problem is that the head looks the same as the previous Vice-General Liu. 】

 'Which Lieutenant General Liu? '

 [Lieutenant General Liu, who came to persuade Su Zheyan to change his gender a few days ago, has a pattern on his head and half of his face, which looks like it was branded on it with a soldering iron. 】

 The system thought: [A snake wrapped around an apple is exactly the same as the anti-counterfeiting logo on your body. 】

 After the surprise, Chu Shici somewhat understood Su Zheyan's feelings at this time. The old comrade-in-arms had his head chopped off, he was sure...

 Thinking of this, Chu Shici suddenly realized something was wrong.

 After getting along for so long, he also got to know Su Zheyan a little bit. This person just looks cold, but he is actually very emotional. He wouldn't watch his teammate's remains being ruined by alphas, even if they had quarreled about sex change before.

 Even if this conjecture is too subjective, let's change the way of thinking.

 Chu Shici felt a chill down his back, and he asked hesitantly, "Brother Tong, didn't Vice General Liu return to the empire with the army a long time ago, why do you think he appeared alone in the deserted star?" '

 [There are also fragments of clothes on the ground, which look like the fabric of a black suit. The bodyguard who stopped you with Zuo Ting in the morning is wearing this kind of uniform. 】

 'The one who died was a person with immortal technology? Lieutenant General Liu's official position is not low, when did he become a young man of Yongsheng Technology... Wait, he is really Lieutenant General Liu? '

 The more he discussed with the system, the more outrageous Chu Shici felt.

 He got out of his pocket: "Brother Yan, in the alley in the morning, you told me that after the clones were wiped out, Immortality Technology produced another part. What are the identities of the new batch of clones?"

 Su Zheyan glanced at the little robot from the corner of his eye, and said in a cold tone, "I don't know."

 Chu Shici knew that he was in a bad mood and didn't care.

 "Is Immortal Technology secretly cloning the high-ranking generals of the empire, trying to quietly take away the military power?"

 Su Zheyan ignored him, and Chu Shici thought for a while, "Or are they not only cloning the generals, but also cloning all the high-level officials in the empire who have the right to speak, in order to steal?"

 Su Zheyan sighed softly: "You can't find the answer here, you will ask these questions, did you see the head?"

 Chu Shici nodded: "Isn't that your lieutenant general?"

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