Chapter 163: The Sixth World (14)

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 As soon as he entered the buildings in the dense forest, Chu Shici felt something was wrong.

 This place is so similar to where they came from, there is no difference at all.

 Ji Huaizhe stepped lightly and walked quietly through the wooden house.

 He checked every wooden house, and both the appearance and the formations engraved on it were exactly the same as the wizard college where he was.

 There wasn't much light nearby, only the torches stuck on the ground emitted a faint glow, and the wizard academy seemed particularly quiet under the night.

 Ji Huaizhe's face was cold, and his scarlet eyes were filled with vigilance.

 The atmosphere was so oppressive that Chu Shici did not dare to speak out. He just sat silently on Brother Zhe's shoulders, looking up and looking around.

 After wandering around for a while, I didn't come up with any results. Ji Huaizhe was silent for a long time, and finally walked towards his original dormitory.

 The door of the wooden house was closed, and he tried to press his hand on the wooden door.

 The next second the wooden door slowly opened.

 Chu Shici noticed that the moment the door opened, Brother Zhe's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

 He asked curiously: "Brother Zhe, what's wrong?"

 Ji Huaizhe pursed his thin lips and said, "Each apprentice's dormitory door in the Wizarding Academy is equipped with an access control. The dormitory door will only be opened after the corresponding apprentice's magic power is injected."

 Chu Shici didn't react at first. He blinked blankly, and then let out a shocked scream.

 According to Ji Huaizhe, only apprentices living in the dormitory can open the dormitory door, which is equivalent to giving each dormitory an exclusive key.

 But since Brother Zhe is from another wizard academy, why can he open this door?

 Ji Huaizhe held the magic wand tightly and stepped into the wooden house.

 Like his previous wizard academy, this wizard academy also has two rooms in each wooden cabin.

 Ji Huaizhe first opened the room closer to the door. The display and furnishings inside, even the books on the desk, were exactly the same as his original dormitory.

 He tapped the ground lightly with his wand. A faint red light streamed from the bottom of the wand, and the detection technique swept across the room.

 Wherever the red light passed, formations were revealed one after another. They are so densely packed that there are at least hundreds of them if you take a quick glance at them.

 Ji Huaizhe thought for a moment and then walked to the cabinet in the corner.

 He opened the cabinet door and took out everything in the cabinet.

 Finally, at the bottom of the cabinet, he saw a familiar black hole.

 This time not only Chu Shici was completely confused, but Ji Huaizhe was also slightly stunned.

 They slipped out of the wizard academy and wanted to go to the orc tribe through the dense forest. It turned out that there was a wizard academy in the dense forest.

 Not only do the two wizard academies have the same external buildings, they even have the black hole teleportation array in the cabinet in Ji Huaizhe's dormitory.

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