Chapter 126: The Fifth World (14)

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 After hearing Shen Xiuzhe talk about the painful past, Chu Shici was shocked.

 What shocked him was not how pitiful the male protagonist's life was after the story was finished.

 After all, this is a world of punishment, and it is not normal for Brother Zhe to live comfortably.

 What surprised Chu Shici was that the group of people almost pressed Shen Xiuzhe's dignity to the ground and rubbed it wildly on his bottom line. Brother Zhe actually endured such a violent temper?

 Chu Shici thought for a long time and asked tentatively: "Brother, you didn't beat them?"

 The white cloth on his face was soaked with tears. Shen Xiuzhe stood up and turned his back to the small speaker to change the cloth. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "In a society governed by law, I don't want to go to jail because of impulse."


 "...I covered my face and punched them a few times in a place without surveillance or street lights. The senior who was pursuing me and his friends all went to the emergency room. I dealt with it very cleanly, but he offended too many people. , the police did not suspect me."

 Shen Xiuzhe's tone became a little hesitant, "I have no training, and everyone thinks I am weak. Before I was forced to take action, I never thought I could beat so many people."

 He shook his slender, pale hands and said, "I seem to be...born to fight."

 Chu Shici patted his palm.

 Silly boy, you are much more capable than you think. I haven't learned how to fight, so I fight twenty by myself. If you have been trained since childhood, you can get through it with your fists.

 Halfway through his sigh, Chu Shici suddenly remembered something.

 This Brother Zhe lives in a society governed by the rule of law. Why was he so skilled in killing people before?

 Chu Shici hissed, "Brother Zhe, have you ever killed anyone?"

 After waiting for a long time and no one answered, he looked up and saw that Shen Xiuzhe had lowered his head at some point and was quietly 'looking at him'.

 This expression was so familiar to Chu Shici. If Brother Zhe hadn't gone blind, his eyes would probably be full of resentment now.

 Chu Shici reacted for two seconds.

 Oh, he got it. After Brother Zhe finished talking, he felt more and more aggrieved as he thought about it, waiting for him to help him scold him.

 When it came to the professional field, Chu Shici suddenly became energetic.

 "Fuck! Those bitches who were born but not raised by their mothers, they actually did this to you! And those who followed the vote, now you don't have to use your brain when you go out to eat melon? Your brain grows on your butt, eat shit and spray shit. Police I've made a statement, but they still don't believe it."

 He slammed the bed board with the plug, "You are twenty years old, a well-known painter at home and abroad. They are twenty years old, tsk tsk. Before the seniors could produce evidence, there were a bunch of men spreading rumors behind their backs. "

 Shen Xiuzhe pursed his lips and said, "Yeah."

 "You are handsome, talented, have a good background, and have a good personality. All the girls in the school like you. Those guys who have no ability and bad character must think that it is because of your existence that they have always been single. Damn, my eyes are so red that they bleed."

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