Chapter 19: The First World (19)

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 On the night when he heard the news, Chu Shici suffered from insomnia.

 He was wondering what the hell was going on in this world. Is it just because of discrimination?

 Because he couldn't figure it out, he ran to Su Zheyan's hand and pulled his fingers: "Brother Yan, does the empire regard beta as a shame?"

 Su Zheyan leaned on the capsule and closed his eyes to rest, "No."

 "Then why kill them all?"

 Su Zheyan opened his eyes, lowered his head and quietly looked at the robot at hand, "Perhaps in the heart of the ruler, the empire no longer needs mediocre people."

 His blue eyes are now like deep trenches. Extremely cold and frightening. Yet mysterious and unpredictable, it lures the viewer to explore.

 Chu Shici stared blankly, and stretched out his hand involuntarily, wanting to touch his eyes.

 Su Zheyan misunderstood what he meant and thought he wanted to hug his fingers. Then, as usual, she stretched out her index finger in front of him.

 Chu Shici slapped him and hugged him, "Brother Ke Yan, you are not mediocre at all."

 Su Zheyan smiled lightly, picked up Chu Shici and rubbed it back and forth. He didn't react clearly, but a reminder sounded in Chu Shici's mind.

 [Vigor value +3, the current vitality value is 48/100. 】

 It can be seen that the worship of the little robot made him feel much better.

 According to the system, the higher the vitality value, the easier it is for Su Zheyan to get along with. As long as he is in good condition, he can basically answer every question. This is a special favor that only robots can enjoy, and others will ignore it.

 When Chu Shici felt the paint on his head was about to be rubbed off, Su Zheyan stopped, "Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, only I, a beta, has become a general. The other two genders shine in various fields, and betas are doing the most ordinary jobs. Live the most ordinary life."

 "What's wrong with being ordinary, should ordinary people be eliminated?"

 A trace of sadness flashed in Su Zheyan's eyes: "After the popularization of Eden's artificial intelligence products, it caused mass unemployment. In just a dozen years, ordinary employees in most industries have been completely replaced by AI."

 He paused for a long time, and said softly: "As long as the robots are implanted with relevant knowledge, they will be able to work tirelessly. Only those with extraordinary talent or experience can stay in the company. There was a Beta near me when I was a child." The restaurant has excellent craftsmanship and friendly people. When I go back ten years later, the restaurant is full of robots except for the boss."

 "Those old employees went to other places?"

 "The chef couldn't find a job and committed suicide by jumping off a building. A waiter went to the red light district in order not to starve to death."

 "Red light district?"

 Su Zheyan poked his little head, "You are a children's toy, you can't tell children about this kind of thing."

 His voice was very calm, but Chu Shici could hear deep sadness from his words. This is his pity and helplessness for his compatriots in distress as a beta.

 Chu Shici was also a little sluggish, he lay in Su Zheyan's palm, patting his fingertips to relieve his boredom.

 The system, which had been eavesdropping all the time, suddenly let out a snort, [No, mobile phones are not updated so quickly. Aren't you a third-generation robot? I've checked your built-in functions. You can play the radio, and run around like a mentally handicapped person. How did Immortal Technology produce such a tall robot in a blink of an eye? Moreover, in only a dozen years, robots have spread everywhere. Is the clearance sale of Yongsheng Technology still a charity? 】

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