Chapter 11: The First World (11)

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 A group of people were fighting on the main street, and the pheromone content in the air seriously exceeded the standard, which affected alpha's judgment.

 After getting rid of the alpha blocking the way, Su Zheyan quickly left the town. The noisy noise was left behind until the shadow of the city was completely invisible.

 He searched for an hour in the night market before he found his robot.

 In just 60 minutes, he was blocked into an alley three times and surrounded by alphas twice. Several people followed him, trying to take medicine to stun him. After all, he did fight all the way out.

 Exile on the Desolate Star replaced the death penalty, and the prisoner had to stay in this kind of place for the rest of his life.

 He closed his eyes, and the question hidden in his heart resurfaced again.

 What's the point of living in such a day.

 Chu Shici was fiddling with the battery in his pocket, trying to stuff it into his chest.

 The system that had been silent all this time suddenly said: [Didn't you sway with the frequency of the male lead? I noticed that you haven't swayed for two minutes. Are you home? 】

 Chu Shici poked his head around and looked around. The surrounding area was deserted, and there was no sign of the capsule cabin.

 Su Zheyan stood alone in the lonely wilderness, his face was calm and motionless, like a wax figure without a soul.

 The system shared the field of vision with him, and it curiously asked: [The male lead died? 】

 Chu Shici called a few times, but Su Zheyan ignored him.

 He climbed up the clothes and slipped his hands when he reached his chest. He screamed, and before he started to fall freely, he was grabbed by the head and lifted up.

 His gaze moved up quickly, and soon he was level with Su Zheyan's eyes.

 I don't know if it was his illusion, but in those blue eyes, he saw a flash of blankness.

 Chu Shici touched the fingers on the top of his head, as if he had found a companion, "Brother Yan, are you also scared by the night market!"

 He wiped his face and pointed to the two black marks on his face: "I knew it wasn't because I was timid, but because they were too perverted. Look at brother Yan, I was so scared that I cried. Fortunately, you picked me up, hello Being able to fight makes me feel safe by your side!"

 The chirping voice was too noisy, which woke Su Zheyan from his absent-minded state.

 He rubbed the robot's face, frowned slightly and said, "Cry until the oil leaks?"

 Chu Shici nodded quickly, "Someone set up a stall to sell me, and the game stall next door was very bloody. When I ran out, they were fighting, their arms and legs flew around, and fell to the ground. You rob things with those people every day Do you want to eat? You are amazing."

 After speaking, he took a deep breath with lingering fear in his heart, and thrashed his limbs vigorously, trying to get close to Su Zheyan.

 Su Zheyan stretched out his index finger, and the robot immediately followed the finger into his hand.

 He was covered in mud and blood, and his own leaked motor oil, which was dirty and smelly.

 Su Zheyan thought it was dirty and wanted to throw him back into his pocket. But the little thing seemed frightened and kept rubbing against his palm.

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