Chapter 110: The Fourth World (24)

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 Chu Shici withdrew his hand, pretending nothing happened.

 He laughed dryly, "Ten, that's a lot!"

 The commissioner nodded, "After all, we have been investigating for more than ten years, comrade, how much do you know about stone sculptures? Will she keep splitting her body, and is there any requirement for splitting volumes?"

 Chu Shici said that he did not know.

 Under the concealment of some information, the two parties exchanged some information with each other.

 Chu Shici was satisfied, but the police obviously wanted more.

 After confirming that the little wooden monk was not a dangerous person, the surrounding police quietly surrounded him.

 A very friendly-looking policeman in his forties approached him with a smile.

 He held out an index finger, and with the tip of it he shook hands with the small wooden carving.

 Then he began to speak indiscriminately, one comrade at a time, making the little woodcarving dizzy.

 Chu Shici didn't dare to talk nonsense, he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would reveal the big secret of the monster's rebellion.

 The police looked at him very hotly. If there was no thousand-year-old snake demon town behind him, they would just take the small wood carving away in a sack.

 After ten years of investigation, the police found hundreds of victims, but they couldn't catch the mastermind behind the scenes.

 Today, I finally met someone who knew some clues, and I wished I could squeeze the water out of the small wood carving on the spot.

 Chu Shici had a lot of dealings with the police before his death, and he knew that even if he didn't speak, just um, ah, they could get the information out.

 So he turned around and opened the white snake's mouth, put away the lotus flower and slid into the snake's mouth, "It's getting late, we still have things to do, goodbye police uncle!"

 Xun Zhe was still listening to their conversation, when his boyfriend suddenly started to crawl into his mouth.

 He was silent for a moment, and his eyes softened instantly.

 Chu Shici heard the notification tone in the background.

 [Add 2 points to the vitality value, and the current vitality value is 67. 】

 Chu Shici: ...

 Brother Zhe, why are you so shy at this time.

 He patted the snake's teeth, Xun Zhe understood, grabbed the small wooden carving and quickly crawled away. In his snake state, his crawling speed is extremely fast.

 The police only felt a flash of lightning passing before their eyes, and then the giant snake disappeared without a trace.

 In front of the ruins, the policemen looked at each other.

 The commissioner put away the mahogany sword and called out, "Captain Liu."

 The middle-aged policeman who was in charge of the routine turned his head to the side and lowered his voice: "They know what the stone carving spirit has done, and they also know the general location where she is hiding. The wood carving spirit is a little nervous, but he doesn't look afraid of people. He may know can follow him Up to the Snake Demon?"

 Seeing the commissioner shaking his head, Team Liu waved his hand: "It's okay, they are not dangerous people. The snake deliberately waited for the people in the building to leave before overturning the building. Go back and destroy the ten fragments in your hand first, and then think of a way ."

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