Chapter 153: The Sixth World (4)

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 Ji Huaizhe held the wand and knocked on the ground. Red light spread rapidly from the bottom of the wand, covering the entire room.

 Feedback showed that there was no trace of the formation being activated, and no outsiders had entered the dormitory.

 Ji Huaizhe looked at the priest floating in the air, "Who did it?"

 Vicente pointed to the little doll in his hand.

 Ji Huaizhe frowned slightly as he looked at the doll playing with his fingertips and then at the pile of ashes on the table.

 Chu Shici knew that this matter could not be hidden. After all, the soul of the victim was floating nearby, and Zhe Ge had no problem with his mind.

 He was just wondering what to do for a while.

 He confesses his evil deeds with a sinister look and portrays himself as a bad person who does all evil. Or confess to killing the scumbag priest to protect him.

 The former is in line with the wishes of the public wizards, but it may make Brother Zhe wary of him.

 Although the latter can catch Brother Zhe off guard with a straight ball, what if, as a wizard, the hero only wants an evil little follower?

 After all, he doesn't know enough about Brother Zhe in this world.

 Chu Shici hesitated for two seconds, "Brother, listen to my quibbles first!"

 He was about to explain when he suddenly felt that the male protagonist's hand seemed to be shaking slightly.

 Chu Shici felt that Brother Zhe might be too tired.

 He put away his playful thoughts and said, "It was indeed me who burned him to death, but it's very troublesome to explain. It's already very late today and you haven't rested yet. Why don't I explain it to you in detail when I get up tomorrow morning?"

 The man wearing the sheep head mask said nothing, and Chu Shici couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

 He touched the pale fingertips in front of him and felt a little distressed: "Your hands are shaking. If you don't trust me, you can lock me up first."

 Chu Shici looked around and pointed to the small drawer not far away: "Lock me in it. Let me out tomorrow. I won't be able to escape."

 The room fell into silence. After a few seconds, Ji Huaizhe nodded slightly.

 He took out a piece of wool and seemed to want to wrap it around Chu Shici's neck, but unfortunately the doll had no neck.

 Ji Huaizhe chose a position, with one end of the wool wrapped around the doll's belly and the other end tied to a heavy candlestick.

 Then he took out another necklace, contained the priest's soul, stuffed it into the drawer and locked it.


 What should he be imprisoned for? He was not the one who asked for confinement in a drawer.

 After solving the two problems, Ji Huaizhe turned around and wanted to go back to bed to rest.

 As soon as he lowered his head, he found Heiwawa sitting on the table, looking up at him eagerly.

 The two looked at each other for a long time, and Ji Huaizhe couldn't help but stretched out his fingertips and tapped the baby's little head.

 The candles went out and the bedroom was dark.

 In the darkness, you could vaguely see the person on the bed taking off his sheep-head mask.

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