Chapter 24: The First World (24)

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 Su Zheyan was very patient today, and when talking to him, his voice was imperceptibly gentle.

 His ears are still very red. It can be seen that he was blinded by the straight ball just now, and he has not yet reacted.

 On the issue of amnesia, the two have completely different views. Chu Shici gave examples to demonstrate, but there was no way to convince him.

 Su Zheyan didn't like to talk, and kept looking at him quietly, shaking his head from time to time to express his disapproval.

 In the end, he said in a tone without any ups and downs, "I choose clones."

 Su Zheyan didn't look away from Chu Shici until the noise gradually sounded in the street.

 He grabbed the robot and put it in his pocket: "The fog has cleared, this place is too close to the Yongsheng Technology Branch, go to the next town."

 Su Zheyan took out the map to check as he walked out.

 On the paper was the route map on the inner wall of the capsule, and Su Zheyan drew it according to it.

 The node at the end of each line is a city, and along the way are the distribution points of large and small forces. Su Zheyan caressed the paper, his eyes fell on the last completely disconnected line.

 Where does that line lead to?

 As soon as he had this doubt, he heard the curious voice of the robot, "Shall we go there and have a look?"

 Su Zheyan thought for a while, then said coldly, "The situation is unknown, it's too dangerous."

 After getting along with him these days, Chu Shici can sort of figure out his temperament.

 If there is room for discussion on a matter, Su Zheyan will choose to remain silent and leave enough time for thinking. Bring it up in a few days, and he will most likely express his opinion.

 If you refuse decisively, it means that this matter will not be discussed. He would think about it in private, and when he thought about it, he would do what Chu Shici said without saying a word. If you can't figure it out, it's useless to persuade you.

 This phenomenon only appeared after the vitality value increased.

 In the beginning, the vitality value was only in single digits, and Su Zheyan was numb all over. He is indifferent to the outside world, and never thinks about anything other than survival and defending his dignity.

 Looking at Su Zheyan who was like a donkey, Chu Shici was very relieved.

 He is willing to spend time arguing with him and has his own opinion. This shows that he began to pay attention to the spiritual world and self-awareness, which is a good thing.

 There was a quarrel on the first floor of the hotel. Su Zheyan put away the map and walked to the stairs with a machete.

 There were more than a dozen people standing below, the leader held the head of the innkeeper and questioned the alpha criminals around him, "Which one doesn't have eyes, dare to chop off my brother's head!"

 Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with fear on their faces.

 Chu Shici raised his head to watch, and asked Su Zheyan silently, "Who are they? Have you seen them?"

 Su Zheyan quietly took two steps back and found a cover to cover his body.

 Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the robot talking to him, its rectangular mouth opening and closing.

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