Chapter 8: The First World (8)

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 Before tonight, Chu Shici did not have a clear understanding of the hero's combat effectiveness.

 After he left the capsule and saw the arms and legs scattered on the ground outside, he realized that Su Zheyan was really a cool hero.

 From the time he heard the shout to running out to help, it took at most three minutes before and after, and five alphas had already been dismantled into parts.

 Chu Shici's hanging heart was completely let go, and he walked up to a half-dead alpha with his nails in his arms.

 The alpha was chopped off in the middle, and he looked at Su Zheyan who looked like a humanoid meat grinder in horror, and couldn't figure out why beta was so powerful.

 At this time, a small platinum robot appeared in front of him. It was a popular children's toy more than ten years ago, about the size of a palm.

 Alpha was stunned, he was wondering where this thing came from, when he saw the robot running over. Tilting his head and looking at him, he murmured, "It looks familiar... I remembered, you were the one who said that ex-soldiers sleep more vigorously!"

 As he spoke, he raised the iron nail and poked at the alpha's eyes.

 The screams pierced the night sky, and were quickly drowned out by the wailing of other people.

 Su Zheyan, who was already red-eyed, looked back vigilantly when he heard the abnormal noise.

 The alpha who was cut by him before had died, and a red unidentified object holding an iron nail was approaching him quickly.

 Just as he was about to kick that thing away, he heard an energetic shout, "Brother Yan! I'm coming! I'm coming!"

 Su Zheyan was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became extremely ugly.

 His robot got dirty by people.

 The filth ran past his feet, its wheels spinning fast. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the head man and poked his shoe with an iron nail.

 The man's subordinates were almost dead, he was shocked by Su Zheyan's cruelty and strength, and was confronting him nervously.

 Suddenly, I felt pain in my toes, as if I had been pricked by something.

 He subconsciously flicked his feet vigorously, trying to relieve the pain.

 Chu Shici didn't grab the nail, and was thrown flying directly.

 Su Zheyan watched the whole process, his eyelids twitching wildly. He looked in the direction where the robot flew away, and Chu Shici sat on the ground blankly covering his head, as if he had fallen stupid.

 Su Zheyan felt even more irritable.

 He glared at Chu Shici, "Go back, or you will be next."

 As he said that, he held the machete and rushed towards the leader Alpha viciously.

 Chu Shici originally wanted to stay and finish the work.

 But after seeing an alpha being chopped into stuffing in just a few minutes, he used a faster speed than when he came. Run back to the capsule cabin.

 The cabin was too high, and there was no ladder outside, so he couldn't get up.

 The system comforted him, [Don't be afraid, the hero likes you so much, he is reluctant to kill you. 】

 Chu Shici posted on the shell of the capsule cabin, "I'm not afraid that he will cut me, but I'm afraid that he will give me a bath." '

 [It doesn't hurt when he rubs it, why are you cowardly. 】

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