*this is just a pov i don't mean to offend anyone!*
i wake up to a sleeping colby to the left of me. he has rosy cheeks and he's snoring a little bit. i see his eyelashes flutter then his eyes slowly start to open. "hey babyy" he says in his morning voice. "hi!" i smile back at him, moving some hair out of his face. "did you sleep good?" i ask. "im still tired" he grunts. "we need to get up soon because sam has to start cold capping" i say. "i know" colby frowns.
he crawls through my legs, lays on my chest and burries his head in the crook of my neck. my left hand holding the back of his head and the other rubbing his bare back. i hear him sniffling
"colby what's wrong baby ?" "i'm scared" "what are you scared of?" i say. "what if cold capping doesn't work and i do all this for nothing?" he cries. "ah baby, we have to have hope." i say "you're already 3 weeks im and nothing bad has happened yet! isn't that a good sign?" "i guess so but i have a feeling things are gonna g-go downhill. sam and i are on a streak of bad luck" "i'm scared baby, i don't want to lose my hair"
i hold him tighter as he starts sobbing, i feel his warm tears soak my skin. "colby" i say. he looks up at me with huge tears in his eyes and struggling to breathe "i know you don't but if we stay positive we'll get a better outcome." i say wiping the tears from under his eyes. he sniffles and says "i know but it just feels rough right now." "i don't want my fans to see me with no hair what if they think less of me" he lays his head back into my neck. i kiss his head and play with his hair. "they don't have to see you." "they're not gonna think less of you babe. have you seen the comments on your post? everyone is praying and thinking about you. and who cares if you lose your hair? real fans wouldn't judge you cuz of your hair" "i guess you're right" he says.
we hear a knock on the door i look up and see sam in the doorway "hey we need to start the first cap in 15 minutes" he says i nod and he walks away from the door. "we need to get up baby" i say to colby. he gets up from my chest, rubbing his eyes and walks out of bed stretching and walking his way to the bathroom. i get out of the covers and quickly make the bed. i throw a tshirt and sweats on and grab colby a pair of sweats and a hoodie. i make my way to the bathroom to give him his clothes and we finish getting ready.
once we finish we make our way downstairs to the couch to see sam ready with all the supplies. "ya ready?" sam says "mhm" colby nods and sits by sam on the couch. i go to the kitchen to make breakfast with kat. "you okay?" kat questioned. "yeah it just hurts to see colby so sad. i don't know how to cheer him up" "girl me too." kat said "it's so sad to see him like this. but im sure we'll find a way to cheer him up soon.... he's lucky to have you and sam"
we finish making breakfast and bring it to the boys on the couch. "im not hungry" colby wines "you have to eat something babe" i say "yeah, you haven't ate anything since dinner last night." sam adds on. "fine" colby says. kat turns on the tv and plays a movie on disney plus. we finish eating (the time is now 11:50)
"alright colby we need to switch caps in 10 minutes" sam says. "kk" colby replies. me and kat take all the dishes and bring them to the kitchen and start cleaning. when we're done we go back to the living room. "oh we only have enough dry ice for 2 more caps, could you and kat go run to the store and pick up a couple bags?" sam asked "yeah, sure" i say. kat and i grab our purses from upstairs, kiss our boys on the cheek and go to the store. kat drove us, we went to walmart first but had nothing, then kroger but they had nothing then cvs and thank god they had some. we bought all that they had and hurried home back to the boys. "finally, what took so long?" sam asked "everywhere is sold out sam. we only got enough for the rest of today" kat replied. "as long as we have enough for today we should be fine" sam stated (the time is now 1:10)
i go upstairs to put my purse back in colby's room to find colby nestled up in bed by himself half asleep. "hey baby" i whispered but get no response. i walk up to him to see him shivering "aw do you need another blanket?" colby nods. i get a big quilt from the closet and wrap us into it but he's still shivering. "my head is so cold" he quivers. (i feel so bad because i can't do anything about it.) "can you hold me" colby said. i pull him the closest i can to me and he curls up into a ball. i kiss his nose and realize it's freezing. "b-babe?" i look down at him "yes colby?" "i love you" he says in a tired voice "i love you so much cole. you don't even know." he slowly starts to drift away and falls asleep in my lap.