anon request! in which you have a girls night w kat and come home late!
the evening started off with you and kat getting ready in colbys apartment. kat picked out a dress for you and you helped style her hair. you finish some last touches of makeup and walk out the bathroom with kat, ready for the night.
"oh my" colby says from the couch "give us a spin"
you twirl around and both colby and kat hype you up. "ooo ooo ooo" kat clapped while colby just admires you
"you look stunning" he says, pulling you in to kiss
his lips linger on yours for a few secs then he pulls away
"fucking lip plumper." he rolls his eyes and kat giggles ofc, she always giggles
"so where yall heading?" colby says, wiping his lips"we're not sure yet just having a girls night" you smile at kat then she giggles again
"do i need to stay up again like last time?"
"nah we'll be back by 12" kat says then you two walk towards the door
"okay buh bye have so much fun" he says kinda sarcastically before you and kat close the door and leave
you both walk to a cute nearby restaurant and order cocktails immediately. as you sip on your drinks, you talk about anything and everything. even tho you see her almost every day, there's always so much to yap about
by the time you left the restaurant, you both were pretty tipsy. you stumbled along the sidewalk arm in arm, giggling about the smallest things.
you ended up at a club, yoloing everything and started dancing on the floor, only stopping to take selfies to document the night and to get more drinks
the night goes on and the drinks kept flowing. you danced till your feet ached and laughed till your ribs hurt. eventually, the club kinda dies down and that's when you and kat decide to go home
you called an uber and managed to stumble your way outside, leaning in eachother for support. the ride home was full of laughter. the uber driver definitely hated you guys
you finally reach colby's apartment, you fumbled with your keys and kept dropping then, making kat giggle uncontrollably, she pushes the door open and you both stumble inside, trying so hard to be quiet but failing miserably
colby was waiting up for you. he was just laying on the couch and he jumped up the second you came in with kat "well well well look who decided to show up"
"colby!!" you and kat yell while you throw your arms around him "we had so much fun!" you exclaim
"yeah i can see that. perhaps a little too much fun" he says, hugging you back
kat joins yours and colby's hug and wraps her arms around you two sloppily "bye guysss" she says then turns around, skipping towards the door
"katrina, you are NOT walking to sam's alone." colby says
"ughhhh whyyyuh he's just upstairsssuhhh"
she grunts"cause you're drunk and i heard you fall in the hallway 2 minutes ago."
"ugh fine uhhh" she replies
colby removes your arms around him and you follow him towards kat "fuck." he said, he doesn't want to leave you alone but doesn't want to walk two tipsy girls in the hallway at 2 AM
he walks back towards you and grabs your hand then pulls you and kat out the door. colby's kinda pulling you two aggressively, he just wants to go to bed. eventually kat broke the silence with a stupid giggle, which makes you laugh and you both fall to the ground, literally cackling
"god, you two are fucking children when you're drunk."
you and kat look at eachother and laugh, collapsing to the fooor so now you're both laying down
"WHAT is so funny? and WHY are you guys flopping around like fish. i don't have the patience for this"
"hey kat! what do you call a fish without eyes?" you ask
there's a long silence while kat thinks about what to say
"fsh!" you exclaim and you two cackle again
"enough. come on" colby says, pulling you two up and putting an arm around both of you for support as you three continue to walk
"katrina where is your boyfriend when i need him." colby complained
just then, sam pops around the corner and colby's eyes widen "HERE. TAKE HER
AND GO AWAY!" colby says, pushing kat towards sam and she just falls in his arms"what happened?" sam asks
"too much wine happened." colby says, picking you up from your legs and throwing you over his shoulder.
"it was vodkaaaa!" you yell as colby carries you back down the hallway. "colby put me down im fine!" you squeal and all of a sudden, you realize you're back in his apartment and he sets you on the edge of his bed "alright let's get you ready for bed"
you tried to help as he took your heels off but your fingers were clumsy and you kept giggling "colbyyy my feet are killing meee" you whine
"oh i'm sure they are." he said fondly, managing to rip your heels off "how about we get you out of these clothes"
"that sounds naughtyyyy" you smirk, trying to unzip your dress but fail
colby chuckled "not tonight baby. i just wanna go to bed, been waiting for your ass all night"
he gently helped you out of your dress and put you in one of his t shirts. the whole time you were swaying and giggling, making it difficult for him to maneuver you
"come on, let's take your makeup off" he said grabbing your hand and pulling you off the bed
walking out the door, you miss the doorway completely and walk into the wall
"oh my god are you okay?" colby says, holding your forehead with his hand. but you're so drunk you don't know what's happening you just laugh "oh my god" colby says rolling his eyes again
he picks you up again and takes you to the bathroom where he set you on the counter then kneels down to get makeup wipes
he holds your head still and gently starts taking off your makeup, you notice the seriousness in his eyes "are you mad at me?" you mumble
his face softens as he continued to wipe your makeup off "no baby. i'm glad you had fun i just wasn't expecting all this" he throws the makeup wipe away and grabs a new one "and you said you were gonna be home by 12. you had me scared shitless"
"i sorry" you pout"it's okay baby. even tho you're a fucking handful when you're drunk, i still love you" he says, rubbing in your moisturizer. "now let's get to bed" he says, lifting you off the counter then helping you on your feet, you wobble a little but he helps you balance
as you enter his bedroom, he pulls back the covers and helps you lie down and he tucks you in, making sure you're comfortable and you watch him with affectionate eyes. he leans down to kiss you on the forehead and you grab his hand before he turns around "stay with me" you whisper. he nods and sits down next to you. stroking your hair. usually, when youre drunk, you fall asleep immediately, so he didn't have to stroke your hair for long.
as you drift off, you feel colby getting up then moving around the room, tidying up and getting ready for bed himself. turns out he put a garbage can and some ibuprofen at your side of the bed for when you wake up.
a few minutes later, you feel the bed dip as he climbs in beside you. he wraps an arm around you and pulls you close and you nuzzle into his chest, feeling and hearing his heartbeat.
"goodnight baby" he whispers
"goodnight colby" you reply, your voice barely audible "i love you"
"i love you. now get some sleep okay" he whispers
and with that, you nod, feeling the exhaustion of the night catch up to you and you fall asleep in his arms
i don't like this one it was so rushed 😭 anyhoo i'm working on more requests! send me some more these are kinda fun lol. link in my bio