you're sick

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made this bc i've been sick all week in bed 🥰

after filming a react video with sam, colby finally comes back upstairs. he starts walking to his room when he stops in the hallway and hears soft snores coming from the couch.

he turns around and walks towards the couch and finds you passed out. but there's something wrong, you're shivering and look pale.

colby debates whether or not to wake you up or carry you to bed. he kneels down and brushes some hair that clung to your sweaty forehead with his hand and suddenly your eyes slowly flutter open.
"colby?" you whimper
"i didn't mean to wake you up baby, im sorry"

you stretch your arms over your head and realize how sore your muscles are. "i don't feel good" you mumble, laying your arms back down. "i didn't think so, what's up?" he asks you "i feel yucky, everything hurts" you close your heavy eyes as you finish that sentence. "alright let's get you up to bed yeah?" he whispers then took you in his arms

you feel him carefully walking up the stairs. not so long after you feel yourself getting laid down onto the mattress.

he rubs your forehead and kisses it as your eyes slowly flutter open again. you look up at colby

"ya need anything?" he asks pulling some hair behind your ear
"can you get me a hoodie?" you whisper
"okay" he whispers softly

he walks away to the closet and grabs one of his merch hoodies for you to wear.

he comes back to bed and helps you sit up then helps you put the hoodie on. you fall back down when you're done and sigh

"ah baby" colby says worriedly then puts a hand on your forehead to check your temperature "you're burning up. i'm gonna go get some medicine okay?"
"okay" you reply weakly
his heart breaks seeing you like this
"i'll be right back, do you need anything else?"
you shake your head no in response and close your eyes
"okay then i'll hurry" he says then rushes out the bedroom

not even 2 minutes later he comes back with some pills and your stanley filled with ice water

he sits on the side of the bed and helps you sit up again. he hands you some ibuprofen. you pop them in your mouth the he holds the stanley for you to take a drink

you lay back down and cover yourself with the blankets.
he gets under the blankets with you and holds you close. "get some rest, yeah? i'll be right here if you need anything" he kisses your warm forehead and you almost immediately fall asleep

2 maybe 3 hours later you wake up having a cough attack. colby reaches over the nightstand for your stanley. when you finally stop coughing you take a couple sips

"jesus christ where did all that come from?" he says as you chug the water. he puts the water back then looks back at you
"i'm guessing you're not feeling better?"
"no my stomach hurts now colby" you whine "so bad" tears start forming in your eyes

"im sorry y/n but you can't take any more medicine. at least for a couple hours"
a couple tears fall down your cheeks and colby used his thumbs to wipe them off
he then pulls you into a hug and rubs your back
"is there something i can get you?"
you shake your head
"well what can i do to make you feel better?"
"hold me" you mumble over his shoulder
"wanna lay back down? n maybe try going back to sleep?"
you nod

he helps you get comfy but you end up curling into a ball cause your stomach hurts so bad.

he starts to play with your hair for comfort you like it and all but you end up moving his hand to your stomach and he starts rubbing it.

you two lay there in silence for a few. only sounds in the room were the ice melting in your stanley and your occasional sniffles.

as he rubs your stomach your pain slowly eases away, it's like colby has the magic touch.

"is this working?" colby asks
you weakly nod snd slowly drift away but your eyes shot open when colby's hand pulls away from your stomach.
"no don't stop, you're helping" you whine
"oh sorry, i thought you were asleep"

and with that, his hand was back on your stomach. his fingers rubbing soft circles over your feverish skin. you close your eyes again colby doesn't pull away this time.

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