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in which colby babysits your kid while you're out. also it's not all just colby x the kid there's some colby x y/n in this one too !

today has been a horrible day. work has been awful, it seemed like more and more things were piling up, making you so stressed so you decided to cut your day short and go home early.

sam and colby are doing some photo shoot for xplr so they could be hours. when you get home, you find kat and layla in the kitchen.

"mommy!" layla yells

kat immediately knows that something's off. "you're home early, everything okay?"

"just a bad day at work that's all"

"oh man i'm sorry" kat says softly "you probably don't wanna hear this but.. laylas been not good today"

you sigh "great."

"go take a nap or something, i'll watch her" kat insists

"no it's okay, i'm her mother, you've been watching her a lot lately you need a break too"

"no it's okay really, you need more rest than i do"

you look at layla who's just sitting in her high chair, smashing her crackers "layla" you say, she looks up at you "do you want to go nap with mommy or hang out with kat?"

"mommy!" she yells

"ughhh" you sigh

you lift her out the high chair and set her on your hip while you help kat put the dishes away. kat told you to go rest and she'd take care of everything.

you lay layla down on yours and colby's bed and she immediately crawls to colby's spot "where's dada"

"he's at work with sam" you say lying down yourself.

"when will he be back?"

"i don't know layla, maybe he'll be here when you wake up from your nap"

"i not tired."

"then why didn't you want to hang out with kat" you sigh

it took like thirty minutes to get layla asleep. she was jumping on the bed, rolling on top of you and pulling your hair, making you even more grumpy than before.

she fell asleep on top of you but you don't dare move because you don't wanna risk waking her up. a few minutes pass and you reach for your phone to text colby


will you be home soon?

should be, everything okay?

not really. i had a bad day at work
and now layla is being difficult

i'm sorry baby :( i'll be home as
soon as we're done. try taking
a nap

i can't your daughter is sleeping
on top of me

of course she is. i'll be home
soon k, i love you


you must have dozed off because the next thing you know, you're feeling the weight on top of you getting picked up. you slowly open your eyes and see colby bringing layla to his chest.

layla wakes up slightly "shhh it's okay" colby says, holding the back of her head. and she settles back into sleep, her head resting on his shoulder

"you sleepin?" he whispers to you

colby brock imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now