colby is on a work trip with sam, filming in australia. he has been gone for almost 3 weeks. you miss his voice, touch and cuddles and you can't take it anymore. you facetime every night and text him all the time but it's difficult cause of the time difference. today is the day the boys finally come home. you finally get to feel colby's touch again.
you've been sleeping on the couch with kat because you're lonely and it hurts to lay in the empty bed but last night you fell asleep on colbys side of the bed because it still smells like him and it gave you something to look forward to in the morning.
you wake up to kat knocking on the door. "Y/N WAKE UPPP!" she yells and jumps on the bed "ugh what time is it?"you groan "it's time to wake up and go to the airport. check your phone"
you take your phone off the charger and see texts from colby
colbae 🖤
Today, 4;43 A.M
hey baby just letting you know that
we had a layover in texas and we
will probably be in vegas by 10 or
sumwe got a flight
Today 7:17 A.M
we're boarding now, see ya soon 💗love you
miss you
----------------------------------------------------------------" HOLY SHIT THEYRE COMING" you jump up and down with excitement. "i'll drive to the airport. hurry theyre probably almost here" kat says
you quickly brush your teeth and get into some leggings and one of colby's hoodies. you wash your face and meet kat in the car. "oh my gosh i'm so excited" "me too its literally been almost a month" kat replies.
you jam out to music on the way to the airport----------------------------------------------------------------
colbae 🖤
Today 9:45 A.M
we made it to the airport.perfect. we just landed and we're
getting our luggage now. meet us
by those escalators yk where i'm
talking ab?YES SEE YOU SOON AH
----------------------------------------------------------------you and kat made your ways to the escalators and you're not so patiently waiting at the bottom of them. a couple minutes pass and the escalators are getting real crowded so you and kat back up a bit. you finically see colby in the crowd of people. you can't run to him because of all the people standing on the escalator so you just stand there, jumping for joy and you wave at him. he smiles so big and waves back at you.
once he gets off you run in his direction. he drops his bags as you jump up on him and wrap your legs around his waist. the second his arms latch around you, you start crying in his shoulder. "hi baby! i missed you so much" he says as he lifts one of his hands to the back of your head. and you just cry some more. "don't ever leave me for that long again" you sniffle
you lift you head from his shoulder and look at him in the eyes with tears still rolling down your face. "i won't. i promise. you're coming with me next time okay?" he puts you down and wipes some tears under your eyes. he kisses you passionately and the people around you start clapping . he ends the kiss and pulls you into a big hug.
"alright let's get outta here we're causing a scene" sam says. you guys rush out of there, load up the car and drive home. sam and kat are in the front seat while you and colby are crammed in the back with all the luggage. you and colby are totally squished together but you don't even care. "so how was the trip overall?" "pretty good. we got some good content. it was hard sleeping without you tho" "it was hard sleeping without you too. me and kat slept on the couch almost every night." "well now you don't have to sleep on the couch huh" you giggle and he rests his head on your shoulder
"jet lagged?" you ask "oh yeah. tired as shit. gonna take a fat nap when we get home." he says with his eyes closed. "try to sleep now. i'll wake you up when we get home okay" "okay okay" he slides his head down to your lap and puts hs hand on your leg. you take his hat off and start running your fingers through his hair, combing through knots every so often. before you know it he's sound asleep.