late night post bc i can't sleep 🤭 sorry if this sucks it's late and idk what im thinking rn 😭
you, the boys and kat just got back from a vacay / work trip. it's super late so you all just go to bed and plan on unpacking in the morning
you wake up and the bed is feeling warmer than usual but it's not the temperature or blankets.. it's sit up and move some hair out of his face and realize he's literally burning hot. you go downstairs to get dayquill and ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet
you're searching everywhere but can't find any.
"watcha looking for?" sam asks
"cold medicine and ibuprofen how do we not have a single pill?" you reply
"oh my god is colby sick too?" he asks
"what do you mean too?"
"kat is burning i was just about to go pick some up at cvs"
"really?! they must've caught something at the airport and now we're gonna get it"
"yeah lets hope not.. i'll be right back can you keep an eye out on kat"
"yeah! just hurry!"
"will do call me if you think there's something else they need" he goes out the garage dooryou run back upstairs to check up on colby and you see he's not in bed anymore. you suddenly hear violent coughs coming from his bathroom, you run and open the door after knocking twice.
"you okay baby?"
he finishes throwing up and falls back into your arms "i feel yucky"
"i know, you're burning up, sam went to go get medicine, kat's sick too"
he sighs and you start to pet his head
"let's get you back to bed alright"
you help him up and walk him back to bed before tucking him in and kissing his warm forehead. "i'll be right back okay? i need to check on kat"
he just nodsyou go to sam and kats room and peak your head through the door, luckily she's asleep so you don't have to do much. you go in to take her temperature, you hover the device over her forehead and the thermometer reads 101°F your jaw drops. "holy shit" you whisper. kat slowly wakes up "are you okay?"
"where's sam i want sam!"
"he's at cvs he'll be back soon, do you need anyth-" you get cut off by sam walking through the door."i'm back, here" he hands you a bag of medicine
"that was fast.." you grab the bag from his hands and show him kats temperature
"holy shit!"
"yeah holy shit! this is not good!"
"what do we do? i've never taken care of someone sick"
"just meds and lots of rest! first we try to get their temperatures down, get a cold washcloth and put it over her head.. i'm gonna go help colby.. good luck"you go back to you yours and colby's room and see him fast asleep. you put the meds and a gatorade on the nightstand and sit by colby
he slowly wakes up again "can you take these pills for me?" he very weakly sits up against the headboard and grabs the pills and drink from your hands
"do you need anything?"
"i'm hungry" he hands you his drink to put back on the nightstand
"okay i'll go get you something to eat stay here" you kiss his forehead and go back downstairssince you guys have been gone for weeks there's like nothing to eat in the house. you decide on yougurt and berries
you bring a bowl back to colby. once you open the door you see him rolled up in a ball, once he noticed you were back he sits back up again and reaches for the bowl
"you can lay back down alright? i'll feed you" he agrees and gets comfy againyou sit legs crossed next to him and start feeding him slowly. seeing him so weak and struggling breaks your heart.
after the last bite he lays all the way down and pulls the covers over his head
"you okay?"
"mmm" he murmured
"shit i never took your temperature! i'll be right back!!"you run to sam and kats room to get the thermometer. "where is it?!" you ask looking around "shhhh i just got her back to sleep!" sam whisper yells "sorry, where is it?" sam points to the nightstand, you grab it and run back to colby
you pull the blanket down and he whines "sorry baby just one second" you hover the thermometer over his head till it beeps
"what is it?" he mumbles
"100.2 not as bad as kats but still not good.."
he sighs
"do you want me to run you a bath orrr?"
"no i just want to sleep" he says tiredly
"okay you can sleep" you say as you get out of bed to put the thermometer back, he reaches his arms out for you when you turned around
"i want cuddles" he whines
"we can cuddle, i just want your temperature down first" you run to the bathroom to get a wet washclothyou lay back in bed next to colby and he scooches next to you and wraps his arms around you
"colby how are we getting your temp down if your face is in my chest?"
he mumbles something not recognizable in your chest
"come on colby i know you feel like shit let's try to make it go away faster please"
he turns his head so now only half of it is exposed. but it's better than nothingyou fold the cloth and place it on his face, kinda giving his face a massage, he hums in response
when you finished massaging his face and once the washcloth absorbed his heat you realized that he's snoring and literally knocked out. you get out of his grip cause you still have to unpack, luckily you don't wake him up
you start unpacking the suitcases while colby's sleeping. eventually sam comes to check in on yall and peeps his head through the window "everything good?"
"i mean it is what it is.. how's kat"
"not good.. she cried herself to sleep but she is knocked out now"
"SAM! go hug her!!"
"i am i am jeez i just came to get the thermometer back"
"here ya go" you hand it to him, he takes it from your hands and starts walking back out
"wait.. does colby always act up when he's sick?" you ask
"what do you mean?"
"idk he's just needier and wants more cuddles than usual"
"maybe that's just what makes him feel better, YOU go hug him!" he closes the door behind him and you hear him laugh as he walks awayyou finish unpacking and lay back down with colby, he feels the bed dip down and turns around to cuddle into you. he mussels his head in you neck and hums "i love you" "i love you!! guess what i unpacked everything!"
he lifts his head up and smiles "aw you didn't have to do that babe"
"well i did! do you feel any better?"
"eh kind of" he lays his head back in your neck
"still tired?"
"mm hmm " he mumbles
"go back to sleep you need the rest.. wanna take a bath when you wake up?" he weakly nods
"i love you " he whispers again
"i love you more!" you kiss his cheek and rub his back till he falls asleep