i totally bs'd this bc i have no ideas for high school imagines! so idk how many parts this will have.. depends on if yall like it or not
you sat in biology bored as hell. teacher was talking about a stupid cell for the 50th time this week. you were all zoned out till she said something about a group project. you hate group projects cause you don't have many friends so you always end up doing it by yourself anyways.
you draw your focus back to the teacher
"you will NOT choose your partner, I will assign you someone." she clarifies
you roll your eyes in the momentas the teacher reads through a list of names she already assigned, you sit there scared about who your partner's gonna be.
"y/n, your partners with colby" she says
your heart drops cause you've had a crush on colby since middle school, you're so excited but try to play it off cool.the teacher explains the project then lets us get to work, you have to make a model of a stupid cell
you walk to colby and pull out the chair next to him. "hey, colby right?" (you know exactly who he is you just don't wanna make it obvious that you're in love with him)
"yeah, y/n?"
"i hate this class! it's sooo boring" he complains
"i know righttt! her voice makes me fall asleep"
you both laughyou and colby spend the rest of the class hour getting to know each other and laughing. turns out that you both have so much in common. you both struggle with anxiety and being social and you both don't have tons of friends.
"alright class finish your project over the weekend and bring it back on monday" the teacher yells as the class starts to clean up
"bRiNg iT bAcK oN mOnDaY" colby mocks her in a witchy voice and you laugh
"we didnt even start the project colby.. what should we do?"
the bell rings
"i need to go, my next class is all the way over there, do you wanna sit by sam and i during lunch?"
"um sure!"
"alright meet by the vending machine, see ya there"
"see ya!"
you both separate ways in the crowded hallway.as you walk away you tried to hide your excitement so people in the hall don't think you're insane. it's a dream come true that your crush of 5 years asked you to sit by him at lunch.
you wait at the vending machine colby told you to meet him at, you stand there for 5 minutes and start to lose hope. he finally shows up and the worry you felt faded away
"sorry we had to put our instruments in our lockers" he says
"it's alright i wasn't here for long!"you sam and colby all walk to the lunch room and sit down.
"so what are yalls plans this weekend?" sam asks, taking a bite of his sandwich
"i don't know, stay home, watch vines" you say eating some goldfish
"we have a project to do" colby says
"OH YEAH damnit i forgot"
"since you're not doing anything, did you wanna hang out with us tonight? and we could finish the project tomorrow" colby asks
"sure!" you say calmly but inside you were dying.you, colby and sam spend lunch yapping away. you're falling in love with colby even more by the second.
you three part ways but colby walks you to your next class. as you get to the door you turn around to say bye. once you did, his hand kind glides across your waist. you look down at his hand and get butterflies. your cheeks blush, he can tell you like what he's doing
"i'll text you the address, see you later" he winks at you and walks away, letting his hand glide off your stomach
you turn back around and walk into class and again, you're crying in the inside.
you spent the rest of the school day trying to get colby off your mind. you couldn't believe that you got his number during lunch.
time skip
you finally get home and rush upstairs to pick an outfit for tonight. you decide on black leggings, white vans, a black tube top with an oversized jean jacket.you get dressed and fix up your hair. you check your phone but he hasn't answered yet. you decide to watch some vines to pass time
after awhile you check your notification center and realize colby texted you the address 30 mins ago.you quickly reply so he knows you've seen it.
y/n: cool, when should i come over?
colby: sam's already here so whenever is fine!
y/n: kk be there in like 10
colby: okay see ya soon :)your heart races as you storm downstairs. you tell your mom where you're going and quickly get in your car, put the address in google maps and quickly but safely make it to colby's house
as you pull in the driveway you see sam and colby sitting on the porch, probably waiting for you, you get butterflies when you see colby walking towards your car.
he opens the door for you and you get out of the car. "you look gorgeous" he says
do yall want me to continue this?? i feel like this is boring i might wanna delete 😭