this ones for my fellow dancers. if you're a dancer you'll probably understand and if you're not, just know that dance is HARD and it HURTS. (not lying my knees are permanently bruised)
you and kat often go to dance classes for fun, and to get a good workout in. kats more into jazz and hip hop but you're more of a contemporary gal
the studio you're taking classes at is having some show and you and kat wanna perform in it for gits and shiggles. so you've been at the studio for hours everyday for the past week. you're so exhausted and definitely need a break but you're pushing yourself.
after a long day at the studio you and kat drive back home. when you get home the boys are sitting on the couch watching tv.
kat walks through the door perfectly fine and giggly like she always is. but you walk through and look dead.
"are you alright?" colby asks from across the room and you just nod, totally lying to him
"me and kat are gonna go run the dances a couple times." you say as you and kat go to the backyard to practice"alright let's see it y/n" kat says as she starts the music
you start dancing and keep messing up. you grunt in pain as you continue to dance with the music.
kat stops the music randomly
"y/n i don't think this is a good idea.. you seem pretty hurt" kat says
"i'm fine." you lie
"are you sure? you look sore, this isn't.. you"
"just restart the music kat. i need to practice"
kat hesitates to restart the music but she does anyways. not even 15 seconds in the dance you collapse in the grass and wince in painkat stops the music and runs to you.
"you're crying dude" kat says
"no i'm fine!"
kat tries to help you up but you can't get up. your legs feel like noodles
"you and i both know that's bullshit"
"your knees are black and blue. i know you're killing right now. let's just call it a night yeah?"
"nooo the show is in a week i'm not ready"
"you're not ready cause you're overworking yourself. you NEED to rest.."kat helps you up but you're so lightheaded you start heading for the ground, luckily she grabs you just in time.
"mhm you're done. we're going inside" kat saysyou wrap an arm around kat as she drags you back inside. sams by the door and sees you guys struggling so he comes out to help
"what the fuck happened?" sam asks, going on the other side of you
"she overdid it today." kat says
"what do you mean she overdid it?"
"her legs, her feet, her everything hurts she's danced for hours this week" kat explainsyou make it inside but colby's not on the couch anymore. great.. you have to walk upstairs.
"can you walk upstairs?" sam asks
"no she can't walk upstairs she couldn't even walk through the back door" kat says
"alright alright" sam sayshe gently picks you up and carries you upstairs to colby's room.
colby removes the laptop from his lap to leave room for sam to lay you down. he hands you off to colby while kat explains what happened
sam and kat leave the room and you break down into colby's chest
"aw baby" he holds you close "you said you were fine"
"i thought i was.. i didn't know i would hurt this much.. i usually dance through the pain"you cry
"well now we know when enough is enough, yeah?"
"yeah" you agree with himyou talk about your dances for a few minutes until you calm down a little bit
"let's go shower, yeah? you're smelly" he says and you just weakly nod.
he carries you to the bathroom where he sets you on the counter then starts the water, he helps you undress before he undresses himself, he looks down at your knees and gasps
"this is normal it's okay"
"ya sure? that seems like a ton.."he helps you off the counter and walks you to the shower. he helps you clean yourself since you're sore literally everywhere.
when yall are done he wraps you in a towel and takes you back to bed. he goes to the closet and brings you some sweats and a tshirt to wear.
he helps you get dressed before he dresses himself. he then puts the wet towels away and comes back with some ice and bandages for your knees.
he rolls up your sweat pants and cringes when he sees your knees cause they look so painful. he gently lays the ice over them and rubs your thigh while the ice settles
after a few minutes he removes the ice and dries your knees then carefully wraps bandages around them.
"thanks colby"
"you're welcome" he rolls your pants back down "alright let's go to bed, you must be tired as shit"he helps you lay in the bed comfortably before he lays down beside you. you then lay your head on his bare chest and start tracing his heart tattoo
colby wraps his arm around you and kisses your head "so proud of you babe. i know you're gonna kill it at your show thing"
"i love you so much"
"i love you more"he rubs your back in circles as you fall asleep in his grip