this one is based in the traphouse yk in like 2020
you walk in the traphouse and you're greeted by sam, he's cleaning with kat
"oh hi y/n" sam says and kat runs to give you a hug
"what's up guys" you hug kat back
"nothing just cleaning a bit.."you go upstairs to colby's room but he isn't in there, you take your shoes off and drop your bag then run back downstairs
"hey sam where's colby?"
"he's not in his room?" sam asks and you shake your head
"OH! he's probably still in the theater.. he fell asleep there last nightyou go to the theater room and you see colby asleep on his side hugging a pillow
you take the pillow out of his grip and crawl into his arms he slowly opens his eyes and looks at you
"y/n?" colby says tiredly
"yes? that's me"
"what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to hangout" you say as you pull some hair out of his face
"yay!" he hugs you super tight
"what are you doing in here? why aren't you in your room"
"me and the boys watched a movie last night i guess i fell asleep and they left me"
you laugh cause he always falls asleep during movies
"it's 12 o'clock do you want to go swim or something?"
"5 more minutes" he mumbles5 minutes turned into an hour. now you're sitting up and colby's just laying in your lap, you're playing with his hair as you're on your phone.
he slowly wakes up then gets out of your lap and stretches.
"what time is it?" colby yawns
"oh shit sorry babe"
"it's okay. you needed the rest" you reply
"alright let's go to the kitchen." he starts walking out the door and you follow"hey it's raining!!" you say
"can we go dance in the rain!?"
he giggles "why do you wanna dance in the rain?"
"cause it's cute come on!!" you grab his hand and run through the kitchen towards the zoom past sam and kat still deep cleaning. they watch you two run out the glass door outside.
"what the fuck?" sam says concerned
"i don't even know man." kat says. they continue to cleanyou put your phones down where they can't get wet and you run to the basketball court
colby grabs your waist and pulls you into a deep kiss. you jump up and wrap your legs around his waist and cup his cheeks. after a few seconds he puts you down then wraps his arms around you and you guys start rocking back and forth in the hug.
he lets go of the hug but grabs your hand, he starts to twirl you around then you guys hold hands and spin in circles.
sam and kat look out the window and see you two spinning
"what the fuck!" sam says
"they're playing ring around the rosie's!! that's cute!" kat says
"should we go join them?"
"nah they look like they're having fun"after spinning in circles like freaks you guys start to slow dance.
you feel completely carefree. you rest your head in colby's chest and he tilts his head down to kiss the top of your head
"this is fun"you say
"yeahh it's not too bad" colby replies
"i'm getting chilly wanna go inside soo-"
colby was interrupted by a huge clap of thunder. you flinch and hug colby tighter in the moment "HOLY SHITT" colby says as he looks up at the sky
"i think that was our sign to go in" you say
"i agree"you guys run back towards the house and grab your phones. you open the door and walk slowly through the kitchen so you don't slip. sam sees the wet footprints on the floor that him and kat just sweeped and mopped "GOD DANGGIT" you and colby giggle as you walk back up to his room
you make it to his room and he closes the door behind him. you're shivering so bad because you're soaked. colby runs to his bathroom.
"w-what are you doing?"
"we're taking a hot shower get over here!" he yells from the bathroomyou run with your arms folded to his bathroom where the hot water was already pouring from the shower head.
he strips off his clothes and he gets in. he yells as the hot water hits his cold skin. "it hurts so good" he whispers
you quickly strip off your clothes and get in the glass shower behind colby. "MOVE IM FREEZING!" you shout "oh sorry baby" he giggles
he grabs your shoulders and trades spots with you. so now you're facing the wall and colby's facing you.
as you're warming up you feel colby's arms wrapping around your stomach, he hugs you tight as you pour some body wash in you hands.
he kisses your cheek then turns around to get his body wash.
when you're done washing your body you grab your shampoo and squeeze some in your hand then start scrubbing your head
"wait can i do it?" colby asks
you look at him and smile "mhm!" you nodhe runs his fingers through your hair, getting all the suds out.
"can i do yours now?" you ask
"how are ya gonna do that?" he asks sarcastically
"come on pleaseeee"
"alright fine"he goes on his knees and hugs your waist as you start washing his hair. every now n then you feel him leaving kisses around your lower body
"colby those better not be hickeys"
he lets go of the hug and scans your body
"not all of them!" he says proudlyafter finishing up in the shower colby wraps you in a towel then takes you back to his room. he lets you borrow a pair of sweats and a hoodie since it's a chilly one tonight
after the two of you change you sit at the end of his bed and play on your phone and colby goes back to the bathroom
eventually he comes back with a hairbrush and scrunchie
"what are you doing with that?"
"can i braid your hair pleeeaaaseee?"
"okayyy" you drag the "ay"you stay at the edge of the bed and colby gets on his knees behind you. he starts brushing your hair carefully trying not to hurt you. after brushing it out he starts making a loose braid in your hair
he secures the braid with the scrunchie then throws the brush on the floor
he crawls back into bed before opening the blankets up. you look back at him and he taps his chest, signaling you to come lay with him
you crawl back to him and cuddle into his chest. he wraps his arm around you and pulls the covers over you two
"wanna watch a movie or something?" colby asks
"you're just gonna fall asleep"
"exactly."he grabs the remote from the nightstand and turns on your fav show. he puts the remote down and turns to face you . he rests his head on your chest and wraps his arm around your stomach
"night night" he groans
"you're not watching tv?"
"i'm listening to it!" he mumbles
"yeah right" you say sarcasticallyhe slowly opens his eyes and looks up at you, you grin "i love you" he whispers "i love you more!!" you reply
you fall asleep feeling cozy with colby right beside you and to the sound of rain coming from outside along with the tv playing in the background.
the ending was crappy i'm sorry! anywayss happy new year everyone! thank you so much for 25k reads that's crazy!!
please leave more requests :) i have no clue what to write rn