literally came up w this in 10 mins cause it's -20°F where i live and i'd rather be in any season rn than mf winter 😐 it's too cold for this shit
anywayyys this is based in the old 2020 traphouse
you wake up in colby's bed with no colby, he's filming today with the boys. you remembered that he kissed you goodbye before he left.
after scrolling on your phone for a few you decided that you wanted to go tan outside.
as you're getting ready you hear a bunch of ruckus downstairs and you immediately know that the boys are home.
you quickly get into a strapless bikini and wrap yourself in a towel before you go downstairs
as you leave colby's room kat leaves sams room at the same time and she's in a swimsuit too "you're joking" she says "no way are you tanning too?" you ask
you both walk downstairs together to meet the boys. "y/nnnn!!" colby shouts from across the room, he picks you up and spins in a circle before placing you down and kissing you on the cheek
you look around and realize everyone is wearing their swim trunks
"i thought you guys were filming today?"
"oh the filming is just beginning" jake chants
"POOL PARTY!!" sam yells
all the boys cheer and run outside, leaving all the girls inside
"i swear to god if someone splashes me-" tara says as she pulls down her sunglasses and walks outside, you, dev and kat followyou and the girls lay down on the chairs by the pool. you alll yap and giggle while watching the boys wrestle and play basketball in the pool.
"NO WE NEED TO GET OUT BACK SIDES!!" tara yells back as everyone turns around to lay on their stomachs
"PARTY POOPERS!!" corey yellsyou end up falling asleep. every now and then you hear the boys scream and feel little splashes of water hitting your legs
maybe 30 minutes pass and it went completely quiet which is not normal.. they're up to something.
all of a sudden you hear tara SCREAM right next to your ear so you flip around to see what's going on
"NO! NO PLEASE NO I DONT WANNA GET WET" she cries as jake tries to pick her up. she tries holding onto the chair but she's tiny so jake picked her up like a piece of paper "JAKE I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" she kicks her feet but he just yeets her in the pool and laughs
"YOUR TURN!" corey picks up devyn and throws her in as well
you & kat look at eachother "shit!" you both get up and start booking it towards the house. colby literally pops up out of nowhere and picks you up bridal style. "HAHAHA!" he giggles "BABE NO PLEASE!" he swings you over the pool
"three!!" he yeets you in the pool on the last swingonce you get up from underwater you see colby cackling
"fuck you!!"
"you know you love me"
"not right now"
you look behind him and see kat getting ready to push colby in.
"the hell are you smiling at?" colby asks as he turns his head around "damnit."
kat pushes him in and laughs in the act
"I FUCKING KNEW YOU WOULD DO THAT !" colby yellsas she laughs and walks away from the pool sam runs from behind and picks her up
"SAMUEL! kat yells
"you thought you could get away that easy?" he jumps in the pool with kat in his arms, making the biggest splashnow that everyone's in the water nothing really matters so everyone's going nuts.
after hours of playing chicken fight on the boys' shoulders, doing a train down the slide and having water fights everyone starts to chill out and the energy dies down
jake and tara go inside, devyn and corey left to devyn's apartment and you have no clue where sam and kat went.
so that leaves you and colby alone. you're sitting on the edge of the pool and colby has his arms and chin rested on your legs
"you okay?" he murmurs
"yeah just tired you guys wore me out"
"did you have fun today?"
"yeah! until you threw me in the pool"
"come on that was hilarious and you loved fighting kat on my shoulders"
you guys stop talking for a sec and you look around , when it gets too quiet you look back down and see his curly damp hair covering his face with a smile
"you look gorgeous that's all" he grins
"right with my messy hair and sunburnt face"
"yeah! you look so good!" he kisses your thighshe turns his body around in the water
"what are you doing?"
"let's go for a swim come on!!"you attach yourself to him and he lowers you back in the water, he starts swimming slowly around the pool with you on his back and you guys continue to talk about your day.
after awhile you got way drowsy and the water calmed down completely. you fell asleep on his back
"do you wanna go inside now?"
"baby?" hour or two later you wake up confused on the couch outside in colby's arms, he must've carried you there.
"how are we still outside?"
"i didn't wanna slip up the stairs carrying your ass" he mumbles still half asleep
"well can we go inside now i'm cold"
"mmmhmm"you both walk through the doors still sleepy, obviously. the whole first floor is silent which is again.. not normal. as you and colby walk up the stairs you see kat coming out of sam's room "oh there you are! we're watching a movie in the theater if you wanna come join"
"yeah we'll be right there" you replyyou and colby quickly shower since you've been in chlorine all day. when you're done he wraps you in a towel and takes you back to his room. since you weren't planning on spending another night and you were too tired to drive home colby gave you a tshirt and sweat shorts to wear.
when you're brushing your teeth colby hugs you from behind and kisses your neck. "i love you"
"i wuv you too!" you stutter with your mouth full
he looks at your red puffy eyes in the mirror
"woah are you good?!"
"i told you you guys wore me out!!"
"i have eye drops, here" he gets some eye drops from the cupboard
"thanks"after finishing up colby grabs a blanket and he walks with you to the theater, kind of leading you with his hand on your lower back.
"there's the love birds!!" sam says
"god what took you guys forever?" jake smirks
"we fell asleep outside then had to take a shower asshole" you reply
"whatever you say"everyone could easily move to make room on the couch for you and colby but they're all laying down so you guys have to share the loveseat. he sits down first then you sit on his lap before he puts the blanket over you two. you curl up in a ball and get comfy in his chest while he wraps his arms around you.
since you're so tired you immediately fall asleep, literally five minutes into the movie. colby falls asleep not long after you cause he's tired too.
mini time skip
"guys" jake whispers "how are they already asleep? it's not even 10"
"aweee that's so cute" tara whispers and looks over at jake "why don't you hold me like that?"
"im gonna wake them up" jake gets ready to throw a pillow at you and colby
"nah man that's messed up, let them sleep" sam says
"ugh fine." jake pouts "well look who else is asleep" he points at katrina
sam looks down at katrina sleeping on his chest "god danggit"
tara laughs
"well i'm gonna take her upstairs, night guys" sam carry's kat out of the roomand with that jake and tara leave as well. so you end up sleeping the whole night on the loveseat 😁
agh i don't love this one that much the ending really sucks im sorry!!
lmk if you like these traphouse based imagines! i can definitely write more if yall want me too! just leave suggestions!!