i know i already have a breakdown chapter but in this one you're the one having the breakdown not colby.
you're a college student and right now you're working on final projects before the holiday break.
it's 10pm and you're in the middle of an essay. you're absolutely exhausted. you're running on probably 4 hours of sleep in 2 days.
colby's been texting you but you haven't answered at all cause you're busy typing that essay. he's getting worried.
you start panicking cause there's so much you have to do and you're scared you don't have enough time. you start sobbing at the table typing your essay.
time skip
colby helps himself in your apartment. he finds you passed out on your laptop in the kitchen, your face is tear dried and your eyes are puffy"y/n?" colby crouches down and taps your shoulder
"i just came to check on you. you haven't answered me all day."
"i haven't talked to anyone. i'm working on my stupid essays."
"why have you been cryin?"he pulls some hair behind your ear.you immediately breakdown into tears cause you thought of your assignments.
"it's okay come here" colby opens his arms and pulls you in his chest.
"school is so hard colby." you sniffle i want to be done."
"i know it's hard and i'm sorry."he rubs your back "im so proud of you tho. you're doing so good."
you cough cause you're crying so hard.
"hey look at me." he stops the hug and makes you look at him.
"you're alright. just breathe." colby guides you through some breaths till you can breathe better"you look tired.. did you take a nap today?he placed his hand on your thigh
"y/n" colby looks at you concerned
"i haven't slept in a day.. or two"
"baby! that's not good"
"i know i know i'm sorry! i've been trying to get these essays done so i can get them in early."
"i get you're working hard but you'd probably work better if you took a nap... you need sleep baby."
"i need to finish this essay"
"nope. you're coming with me let's go"he picks you up out of the kitchen chair and starts walking towards your room. "where are we going?!?"
"we're going to sleep."
"no i can't! i have homework" you try getting out of his arms
he stops in the middle of the hallway "baby please. this isn't healthy. i'm worried about you."
you look at him and you feel guilty "but-"
"they're not due till friday night? you can sleep for a couple hours. please y/n"
"fine but only a couple hours."
"deal. "he lays you down and then gets in bed behind you. you roll over and rest your head on his chest. he plays with your hair as you fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
"goodnight love" he leaves a kiss on your tempol "i love you so much and im so proud of you." he whispers.
this one sucks i'm sorry! also im so so sorry this ones late! i haven't been home all day!
just to let yall know all of my christmassy chapters will have "🎄" in the title!! they are coming, promise!!