colby picks you up from your apartment and drives you to the dentist.
he walks with you to the front desk
you get all situated and fill out paperwork then you get taken to the operating room
you sit in the dentist chair thing and colby sits in the chair by it. he sees your legs shaking
"are you okay?"
"i'm nervous"
he gets up from the chair, stands next to you and puts his hand on your thigh
"you'll be okay. people get their wisdom teeth out everyday"
"i know i'm just scared for after the surgery"
"it's okay, it's okay we'll figure it ou-" the doctor comes in and colby sits back in his chair and holds your handthe doc pulls up the x rays of your mouth. "ya ready to get these suckers out?"
"yeah i guess so" you reply
"do you need anything before we start? pillow? a blanket?"
"i'll take a blanket thank you"
"sounds good il'll be right back."the doc leaves the room and colby stands up again to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"you got this. i'll be here the whole time."
"i know i know"
the doc comes in and hands you the blanket and you take it from his hands
"so how long do you think this will take?" colby asks
"they're usually pretty quick. probably around 45, 50 minutes? no longer than an hour. you can wait in the waiting room and i'll let ya know when we're done."
"sounds good thank you!"
the doctor opens the door to let colby out. he waves to you and you wave back.after colby left, the doc layed your chair back and puts the anesthesia mask on you. and you're out in a blink of an eye.
time skip
colby didn't wanna waitt an hour by himself so he got sam, so now him and sam are waiting in the waiting room.
the doc got sam and colby from the waiting room and took them back to your room
you look so out of it. your face is already puffy and you have gauze hanging from your mouth
"are you her transportation home?" the doc asks colby
"yes yes i am."
"perfect im gonna need you to sign here, and here." he hands colby the clipboardyou wake up loopy as hell. you see the doctor talking to colby and sam in the corner of the room. you don't know what they're saying because you're basically drunk
"oh look she's up now" sam says
"how are you feeling?" colby asks
you start crying but you don't know why.
"is she okay?" colby asks the doctor
"yeah she's fine. patients often get emotional from the anesthesia."
"when does it ware off?" sam asks
"everyone has a different reaction to the substance. i would say no longer than three hours. she's gonna be fun!"
"oh great" colby says sarcastically.
"so she's gonna be sore for a couple days. don't feed her anything hard, crunchy or chewy and avoid drinking from a straw for a few. i sent two prescriptions to your pharmacy and you should be able to pick them up by noon. ibuprofen and antibiotics are gonna be her best friend for the next couple days"
"alright good to know thank you" colby says"where's my boyfriend" you cry
"he's right here look." the doc says
colby smiles at you
"you're my boyfriend?" you say crying
"what's his name?" sam asks
"you're ummm cobyyy"
"that's right" the doctor sayscolby and the doc walk over to you, one of them on both sides of you and help you sit up.
they walk you to the front desk while sam follows
"alright yall don't need me anymore. i'll let you folks go! have a great rest of your week!" doc says
"oh we will try, thank you!" colby replies while sam wraps his arm around you.