in which you and colby babysit for sam and kat
"hey could you or colby watch parker while i go record my song?" kat asks
"why can't sam watch her?" you ask
"he's coming with me, it's a really hard song" she explains
"actually me and colby were supposed to hang out tonigh- fine." you sigh
"im so sorry for not letting you know sooner, my mom was supposed to watch her then-"
you cut her off "it's okay, we love parker"
"thank you. i'll repay you later"
"no need"parker is taking a nap so you don't have to do anything till she wakes up, sam and kat left, you're just waiting for parker to wake up and colby to come home from the gym
eventually colby opens the bedroom door and tackles you to the bed
"well hello to you, how was the gym"
"good, wanna go out to dinner?" colby asks before laying kisses on your neck
"yeah about that.."
parker starts crying, meaning she woke up from her nap. colby looks up at you and his eyes go so wide. "i kinda told kat we'd babysit"
"babyyy we were supposed to hangout tonighttt" he whines
"she couldn't find a babysitter"
"agh" he grunts then gets off of you.
"where you going?" you ask him
"taking a shower" he slams the bathroom dooryou go into parker's room and take her out of her crib
"it's okay park, i'm here" you start bouncing her up and down
"did you sleep good?, are you hungry?" you ask her and she tiredly carry her downstairs then put her in the high chair. you cut up a banana and put some slices in front of her. then you start making dinner
colby sneaks up and hugs you from behind he rests his chin on your shoulder and watches as you stir the pot you tilt your head to kiss him on the cheek "mm you smell good." you kiss him on the cheek once more
"this smells good, watcha making?" he asks
"pasta, almost ready go sit by parker"
he slips away from you and his hands slowly slide off your hips"cobyyyy!" parker says happily
colby kneels down at her level "it's COLBY, you little shit"
"hey!" he says jokingly, that makes her giggle
"watcha eating what's that!" he says with enthusiasm
"nanas." she says
"can you say BANANAS?" colby says
"nanas" she says
"can i have some?" colby asks
she picks one up and smushes it with her fingers before holding it up to colby
"oh... thank you.." he says
she gigglesyou set a baby plate down in front of parker and colby looks disgusted
"what the fuck!" he whispers to you
"kats trying to introduce veggies, she asked me to do this"
"ugh" he sighshe gets up then sits in the seat next to you. you all eat while parker just plays with most of it.
"parker try the broccoli!" colby says
"yucky!" she yells
"you haven't even tried it pal, how do you know it's yucky" he says
"parker broccoli makes you grow up super strong!" you try to convince her
"yeah like me!"'colby says
"cobys not strong!" she giggles then you laugh along with her
"okay, thanks parker thanks"after 5 minutes of trying to get her to eat the vegetables you're starting to give up
"just try some!" you say
"no!" she argues
"parker if you try a little bit you can have some ice cream" colby says"colby kat said no sweets after 7!"
"well you think of something!""park just one bite please?" you beg her
she grabs a piece then throws it at colby's face, you can't help but chuckle
"we're never having kids." colby looks back at you
"not funny park, say you're sorry"
"i sorry" she whispers
"good now just one bite"
she takes a bite and you scream in excitement
"YAY!" you and colby cheer and clap your hands then she follows
"do you want some more?" you ask her but she just shakes her head
"ice ceam?" she asks
"yes you can have some ice cream" colby saysyou give her a tiny bowl with only one scoop before sitting down again next to colby, he puts a hand on your thigh as you sigh
"what's wrong?" he asks you softly
"just tired that's all, parker's crazy" you reply
"i agree, how do sam and kat do this?"you both got a little carried away and when you look back at parker you find that she made a huge mess.
colby gets a rag to clean her hands while you wipe her face off. then colby takes the high chair apart to wash while you go get her ready for bed
you finally get her settled down then lay her in the crib "night park" you whisper before turning off the lights then going up to bed with colby
"finally alone at last." colby sighs, pulling you into his chest "when do sam and kat come home?" he asks
"no clue it could take all night, kat said it's a hard song"
"god damnit" colby grunts
"what? it's not like we had anything to do anyway"
"well we got her asleep on time that's all that matters" you saycolby turns on a movie and you two try to enjoy yourselves. an hour into the moive you're in the perfect cuddle position but you hear a cry from downstairs "fuck." colby complains
"your turn." you say tiredly"parker what's wrong?" colby says, turning on her light
"mama" she cries
"your moms at work park, she'll be here when you wake up" he says, trying to cheer her up but she just cries even moreeven tho colby's pissed at her, he felt so bad so he picked her out the crib and started walking slow laps around her room
"mama!!" she kept crying out
"mom will be back soon, i promise" colby says calmlyhe carries her to the living room then sits with her on the couch. you hear her still crying so you go see what's wrong
"what's going on?" you ask colby
"she wants kat"
"shit, well she's not getting her"
"i have an idea, hey parker, you wanna watch your mommy on the tv?"
parker wipers her eyes and nods
"oh my god you genius." you say to colby, while looking for the turn on a random video on kats youtube channel, the second parker hears kats voice on the tv she turns around on colby's lap to face the tv then lays back on him
colby looks at you then gestures his hand for you to come lay by him so you do so.
as you watch kats youtube videos parker has so many questions. "what's mom doing?" she asks
"she's singing" colby says
"your mom has a very good voice" you sayon another video she points to kat with blue hair "who's dat?" she asks quietly
"that's your mom! she used to dye her hair a whole bunch of pretty colors" you reply tiredly. and eventually you and parker fall asleep on colbyan hour later you wake up to sam and kat coming through the door. "we're back!" kat whisper yells
you slowly wake up and rub your eyes
"what are you guys doing down here?" sam asks
"she was crying for you kat, so colby thought of the best idea to play your youtube vids"
"aww she missed me" kat says
"did she miss me?" sam asks
"haha no." you replycolby hands parker to kat then her and sam take her up to bed, you lay back on colby while he cover you two with a blanket.
"you're gonna be a great mom one day" colby says softly, you look up at him and smile
"and you're gonna be a good dad" you peck his lips then drop your head back down "can we have a baby?" you ask
"did parker give you baby fever?" he asks
"maybe" you blush
"shes a little shit, she hates me, remember when she threw broccoli at my face"
"you have to admit that was pretty funny... but i don't think she hates you, she literally fell asleep on you"
he sighs "yes we can have a baby... but when the time comes"
"yesss!" you whisper yell
"i love you y/n" he says tiredly
"i love you too colby!" is the last thing you say before falling asleep in his arms