air mattress

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in which you and colby sleep on an air mattress 😭

i'm too lazy to start this one off properly- pretend you're moving from LA to vegas and the moving truck didn't come when it was supposed to so you, the boys and kat go shopping for esentials

you, the boys and kat all walk into target and sigh

"okay, sleeping stuff and snacks that's IT." sam demands "yeah i wanna be out of here by sunset." colby adds on, pulling out a cart, you hop in then kat squeezes in front of you

"hey woah woah woah what are yall doing?" colby says
"we're tired" kat says
"yeah me too, i don't wanna be pushing your asses all around the stor-"
"please we won't be here for long" you pout
"UGHHH fine."

he pushes you and kat and you both start falling asleep in the cart from the exhaustion of moving and traveling all day. yall make it to the home goods section and colby realizes that you both are asleep.

"yo sam watch this" colby whispers.

colby turns the cart sharply and purposely crashes it in the shelves of pillows, making you and kat jolt awake

"DUDE!" kat yells
"colby what the hell" you groan
colby just laughs
"colbyyy" you and kat whine
"just pick a pillow so we can get out of here" sam suggests

you wipe the tired off your face and reach your arms up, wanting colby to help you out the cart

he grabs under your arms and lifts you up then puts you down. suddenly you feel something hit your back, you look down and see a kids jojo siwa pillow on the floor

"sam what the fuck is this?"
"karmas a bitch!" he sings out loud
"i should've known better" sam and kat harmonize together

you pick the pillow up and throw it back at sam to shut him up.

"oooooo" kat says
then colby throws a pillow at kats face then she throws it right back

"guys we're gonna get kicked out before we even get to buy anything" kat murmurs
"yeah let's just get the stuff and go" you follow

you all pick out silly kid pillows for gits and shiggles then you get back in the cart and the boys finish up shopping. somehow, the mini pillow fight didn't wake you up and you're asleep again

you wake up in the parking lot, colby taps you awake and you kinda jump

"we're done baby, let's go home"
you look at him confused and still tired
"come on, before more people ask if you're okay"
you yawn and stretch your arms over your head, allowing colby to grab you and lift you out the cart

sam puts the cart away while you kat & colby get settled in the car, not long after you're on the way back to the house

you're almost asleep AGAIN in the car until you feel colby rub your thigh up and down, he moves some hair out of your face before leaning in to kiss your cheek "baby, we're almost home"

you look up at him in the dark car but you can still see his blue eyes "still tired?" he whispers
"mhm" you mumble
"do you think you can be awake for just 20 mins while i set up the mattress? then you can get all the sleep you want"
"we're home!" sam yells

you all get out of the car and you manage to wake yourself up a little bit, yall claim your bedrooms then you start getting ready for bed with what you have while colby sets up the air mattress

you go back to the room and colby isn't there, you just assume he's getting ready for bed or getting the blankets so you just lay on the mattress and wait for him to come back

eventually he comes back and he has a mischievous look on his face, yk he's up to something

he walks to the end of the mattress and smirks, you know he's about to jump

"colby don't."

he jumps anyway, launching you at least 3 feet off the mattress, you scream in mid air then land on the carpeted floor

colby kinda giggles "im sorry babe, are you okay?" he giggles again, reaching out his hand to help you up
"no you're mean!"
"okay okay i'm sorry" he tries to hold back a cackle
"it's not funny!"
"it was pretty funny babe, you caught so much air!!"
you give him a nasty look
"alright let's just go to bed" he picks you up off the floor then tosses you on the air mattress
"what is up with you tossing me like a sack of potatoes?"
"i'm not tossing you"
"yes you are! you just did"

he gets under the blankets next to you but you kinda scooch away

"come here" he grabs your waist but you stop him
"no you're mean."

he quickly wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you into his chest before you could even think about pushing him away

"you're not a sack of potatoes." he whispers into your neck then kisses it softly "you know i'm just messing with you"
"mhm sure" you say in a sassy tone
"i love you" he mumbles then kisses around your neck again "goodnight baby"
"goodnight colby" you whisper

did anyone go to the meet and greet? how did it go?

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