can't sleep

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you're at colby's house sleeping over and it's pretty late. colby's been asleep for an hour already but you're just not tired.

you've tried counting backwards from 100, meditation, and deep breaths but nothing's working. now you're just laying on your back, staring into space.

you hear snoring beside you, colby is sleeping on his stomach with his head in the pillows. he suddenly scooches over to you and lays his head on your chest and puts his hand on your stomach.

damnit now i really can't move.

you let colby lay on you for awhile cause you know he's comfy and you don't wanna bother him. you try to go to sleep again but you just can't.

you finally lift up colby's head gently and slither out of bed. you go downstairs to get some melatonin from of the medicine cabinet.

while you're looking in the cabinet colby hugs you from behind and you jump

"oh my god don't do that you scared me"
"sorry" he says in a raspy voice "why aren't you asleep?"
"i'm not tired, i'm looking for the melatonin"
"well we don't have any"
"are you shitting me?"
"damnit i have to be up in a couple hours i'm gonna be exhausted tomorrow."

colby turns you around and pulls you in his chest, hugging you tight. "shhhh it's okay. i'll stay up with you"
"but you have to be up early too"
"it's okay we'll figure something out."

he picks you up and walks to the living room. he sits on the couch with you in his lap. he turns you to the side and starts cradling you like a baby.

"what are you doing?"
"shhh im rocking you to sleep."
"this ain't gonna work im not a bab-"
"shhhh" he bounces his knee "no but you're my baby."

you start squirming around trying to get out of his lap but he just holds you tight and doesn't let you go.

"close your eyes."
"close em"
you do what he says and he starts humming your fav song.

you open your eyes to look up at him but his eyes are closed. you didn't think it would make you sleepy but 20 seconds in you were already drowsy af.

as he rocks you back and forth you get sleepier and sleepier and sleepier till eventually you struggle to keep your eyes open.

your eyes slowly flutter shut and colby continues to rock you for 5 more minutes.

he gets up from the couch and carry's you back to his bed. he lays you down on your side of the bed and crawls in behind you. he pulls the blanket over you and kisses your cheek "goodnight my love" he whispers

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