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this one is like my ghost hunting chapter! a lot of yall wanted something more intense so this is the best i could come up with 😭

⚠️ uhm i don't think there's any triggers but it mentions choking once !!

throughout the whole night you've felt uneasy. you were cold, lightheaded and you felt like something was watching you.

every now and then you feel little taps on your body but you just brush it off cause you think you're just paranoid.

you're finally in the last room of the investigation and the boys start getting out the equipment for the estes method

"alright who's doing the estes method?" sam asks

amanda puts her finger on her nose then kat follows, along with colby, then sam. you look around confused then kat giggles and you finally realized
"god damnit" you say

you sit in the little wooden chair while colby ties the blindfold around your head.

after securing the blindfold he gives your shoulders a little tap. "ya ready?" he says
you look up at him and frown "i'm scared."
"well you don't have to do it if you don't wanna" colby says
"no it's okay i'm sure i'll be fine" your eyes travel down to his neck and you stare at the silver cross dangling
"you want this?" he whispers

he unclasps his necklace and clips it around your neck while you pull the blindfold down

"alright can you hear us?" sam says
you don't respond, meaning you're officially under

everyone stands in front of you and starts asking questions

"is there anyone that would like to speak to us?" colby asks

you twitch a little, kat kneels down and holds your hand since colby's holding the emf reader and an ovilus


"is there any names you can throw out" amanda says

a few seconds pass

"i want"

"what do you want?" amanda says


"do you want us to leave?" kat asks

"get out"

"why should we get out?" kat asks

"are we in danger?" sam asks

a few seconds pass


amanda and kat look at eachother, worry in both of their eyes

"are the girls in danger?" colby asks

all of a sudden the headphones make a loud high pitched buzz that sends a shiver down your spine. you bounce your knees to distract you from the loud noise

"what the fuck?" colby says
"yo is she okay?" sam asks
"guys we need to stop right now." amanda says

all of a sudden the headphones stop working. you thought someone unplugged them so you start reaching to your blindfold .

"y/n" a very very clear voice in the headphones said

you immediately scream and throw the headphones to the ground. kat tries holding your hands for comfort

"what?? what happened?" colby says worriedly
"what did you hear?" sam says

amanda pulls your blindfold up as you hug your knees. tears start forming in your eyes

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