in which you and colby get into an argument and you sleep on the couch
you're upset with colby cause of something then he got mad at you for being upset at him. you try telling him why you're mad in the first place but he won't listen so ofc that makes you even more mad.
(sorry if that sounds confusing 😭)"oh my god you're not even listening to me colby!"
"what the fuck yes i am!!"
"no you're not! if you were listening to me for once you would know why im upset in the first place, you're just yelling at me for being mad at you!!"
he sighs
"look im sorry. i don't wanna argue, i know its getting late im sorry okay." you apologize
"i just don't understand why you're mad at me" he explains
"oh my god" you roll your eyes "cause you're not fucking listening to- ya know what just forget it." you say as you leave his roomyou storm downstairs to the living room where you get yourself comfy on the couch. you don't wanna talk to colby since he clearly doesn't want to talk to you.
you scroll on your phone for about an hour till eventually you put it down and drift off to sleep. sam and colby's couch isn't too bad after all
in the morning you wake up and try to sit up but can't. you look down and see colby's messy hair. you smile for a sec then remembered the reason why you were on the couch.
you hesitated to run your fingers through his hair but you did it anyway. he immediately woke up and looks up at you.
"i'm so sorry i didn't listen to you, i can't even give you a good excuse. i just-"
you cut him off with a kiss
"it's okay colby i forgive you i promise! im sorry too"
"don't be sorry i was a jerk"
"well i am, i didn't need to be snappy with you"
"i love you!" he says with his voice still raspy
"love you more!" you reply and he lays his head back down on your stomach"i couldn't sleep without you i felt so bad" he explains.
"aw why didn't you wake me up sooner?"
"i thought youd be even more mad at me. plus you looked super comfy i didn't wanna wake you"
"how long have you been down here?"
"since like 3" he starts to close his eyes
"you wanna go back to sleep?"
he nods and grins with his eyes still closed, you can't help but smile cause he's so cuteyou put your hands back in his hair and slowly comb through his brown locks as you both fall asleep again.
this one was ib someone but i don't remember who! if you have any idea please feel free to call me out so i can give creds!