in which colby gets a bit more tipsy than you and confesses something 🤭
also you two aren't dating in this one but almost are. it's kinda like a colby and stas situation.
this is a long one brace yourself
today, you, kat and the boys are going to the club. after getting ready at the boys' place, yall pile in an uber and head out.
you all agree to not get wasted since you have an event to go to tomorrow. you just thought it'd be fun to go anyway and dance around like always.
the club was packed, the music was loud and energetic. you and kat separated from the boys when they ran into some old friends who could talk for ages so you decided to walk around.
you danced with kat, took goofy pics together and just had a blast. eventually, you start wandering around to look for the boys again but they're no where to be seen. great.
soon enough, you hear a bunch of chanting and notice a big circle of people. "they better not be in there" you mutter to kat
"they're not that stupid.. right?" kat asked with a hint of doubt
you and kat casually walk up to the circle and see about four people getting pushed around.
"oh my god," kat gasps "sam!" she pointed at sam getting pushed around, he looks like he's having fun tho. which means he's drunk "colby's in there too! look"
you jump slightly to see over peoples heads just in time to see colby get pushed hard onto the ground "OOOOOO" everyone yells
"COLBY!" you scream
you and kat shove people out of the way to get to the boys in the circle. by the time you get there, most of the people seemed to have cleared off when colby fell.. strange
"colby! are you okay?!" you yell reaching for his hand to help him up all while kat tries to get sam stable
one look at his face and you can tell that he's gone. "colby, you said you weren't gonna get drunk"
"y/n!" he slurred and poked your nose
"how much did you drink?" you ask, pulling him up from the ground
"a la la lot! ahaha" he giggles
"really." you reply sarcasticly
you manage to get him fully upright but he wobbles a bit, so you wrap your arms around his waist and start walking away from the crowd. you just hope kat is following with sam.
you make it outside and get colby to sit on the bench. not too long after, kat sat sam on the bench next to colby
"what the fuck!" kat snapped at the boys "we can't leave you alone for 20 minutes!"
the boys look at eachother and laugh
"this ain't funny." you say and cross your arms "you two are in deep shit."
by the time the uber arrived, sam seemed to have calmed down a ton which was normal, he usually gets tired quick. but colby on the other hand is a disaster. he's giggling uncontrollably, pulling kats hair and trying to wake up sam who's almost asleep in kats arms
"keep your hands to yourself bark boy" katrina snapped.
"yeah this is crazy" you reply, wrapping your arms around colby to keep his arms in place
"let go of meee" colby whined
"are you sober yet?" kat asked
"nnnnyes" he smiled