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I could hear the taunts and whistles from across the palace as his voice would get closer and further from time to time

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I could hear the taunts and whistles from across the palace as his voice would get closer and further from time to time.

It's been about eight minutes since I was inside this closet and I don't know why I didn't pick another hiding spot. I'm not even sure whose room this is, I just ran into it.

Suddenly a pair of footsteps kept me frozen in place as the door opened and the person approached the closet. The door opened and I let out a scream of terror.

My eyes were closed but when I didn't feel anything after a few seconds I opened them and looked up only to see a thoroughly confused and terrified Dante.

"Uh I-i" I stuttered on my words as Dante just stared at me.

"What are you doing in my closet?" He asked.

"Question to ask for later. Just close the room door and don't tell Aleksei where I am" I hurried out and then slammed the closet door closed in his face.

I heard him say something to me but it wasn't clear as he left me there and walked out the room, well his room.

Suddenly a familiar pair of footsteps came closer towards the room. Since the closet is attached to the hallway and the wall is very thin, I could hear everyone who passed by.

I held my breath as I carefully waited until the footsteps disappeared. Feeling confident, I let out a sigh of relief, until the closet door was suddenly slammed open and a presence was in front of me.

"Found you"

My eyes widened and I quickly stood up with the intention of running Since there was a different exit.

As I opened the door and was about to make a run for it, A huge black wolf stood in front of me almost guarding the area.

I screamed as I stepped back fast and the wolf suddenly sat down.

A hand clasped behind me as his arms held my waist tightly and threw me over his shoulder. I felt him hit my thigh as he looked towards the wolf.

"Good boy Milo" He praised the wolf and took something from his pocket before giving it to him which I could only guess is some type of treat. The wolf let out a howl before running off somewhere.

"WHAT IS THAT?" I basically yelled in terror and I felt a sharp blow on my thighs again.

"Lower your voice" He ordered and I just grunted muttering curses towards him under my breath wishing I could curse him out in every way possible.

"What was that?" He asked in a daring tone.


"No repeat it brat" He said again.

"I said nothing.'' I repeated again, frustrated. He was suddenly quiet as I saw the familiar sounding of his private office.

It was very different from his main office and had a lot of personal items. He suddenly closed and locked the door.

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