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The silence was loud as the television played inside the meeting room

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The silence was loud as the television played inside the meeting room. Alex, Aleksei and myself sat there as the news outlets went crazy with the "interview" that they had of me.

In other words, paparazzi chasing me down with a camera and a bunch of vehicles while making wild speculations and then taking me not answering as an answer.

Our monarch had control of most of the news outlets but two. These two were controlled by the biggest crime family in Russia. The Stepanov crime family was a generational organization that stemmed from about one hundred years ago.

For the most part, they absolutely despise the monarch and though they never got themselves involved in our matter, they made it clear that any chance they get to destroy us, they will take.

Just then Aleksei's phone rang and he immediately picked it up, putting it on speaker.


"Мы не смогли дозвониться до семьи Степановых. Но мы выяснили, что они ничего не предпринимают по этому поводу, а лишь позволяют информационным агентствам делать то, что они хотят." Aleksei face turned dark as he replied.

(We couldn't get a hold of the Stepanov family. But we figured out that they aren't doing anything about it, rather they are letting the news outlets do what they want.)

"Ну так разберись. Мне все равно, как ты это сделаешь. Я хочу, чтобы все эти слухи и домыслы исчезли. Мне все равно, если вам придется от них избавиться!" He yelled out.

(Well figure it out. I don't care how you do. I want all those rumors and speculations gone. I don't care if you have to get rid of them)

Silence suddenly engulfed the phone call as he waited for the person's reply. The man on the other line began tripping on incomprehensible words as we all just stared at the device.

"Говорите четко" Aleksei finally snapped at him.

(Speak clearly)

The man sighed before speaking again.

"аше величество, СМИ сошли с ума больше, чем можно было ожидать. Совет требует публичных объяснений, а в новостные ленты просочились доказательства того, что ее величество только и делает, что уничтожает российское правительство. Мой совет - либо сделать публичное заявление, либо найти решение" The man explained and I could only understand a couple words but it was enough to know why he was mad.

(Your majesty, the media has gone crazier than expected. The council is demanding a public explanation and actual news outlets have leaked through with evidence saying that her majesty is only there to destroy the Russian government. My advice is to either make a public announcement or figure out the solution.)

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