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The Next Morning

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The Next Morning

I awoke to the sound of zippers closing and opening vigorously. While rubbing my eyes, I tried to focus on my surroundings.

I was feeling extremely light-headed from the lack of sleep I had last night. it look me almost three hours for my eyes to finally relax and fall into a sufficient and deep sleep.

"Доброе утро, дорогая." I heard Lek say. My head raised and I gave him a look of utter confusion.

(Good Morning Darling)

"Δεν κατάλαβα τίποτα από αυτά που είπατε" I replied with a smirk.

(I understood nothing of what you said)

"Για κακή σου τύχη, σε κατάλαβα." He replied causing my jaw to drop as my smirk fell.

(Unlucky for you, I understood you)

"That's not fair" I muttered while playfully glaring at him. He chuckled before putting the final few clothes in the bag and zipping it up.

"Come on. We have to head back today. We also have to stop by the palace today, and say goodbye before departure" He said while lightly patting my legs. I rolled over and threw the blanket over my head while muttering curses under my breath.

I don't feel like getting up right now.

"Hey! Come on get up. Breakfast is already ready sweetheart" He said while throwing the blanket off the top half of my body. I groaned in annoyance and put the blanket over myself again.

We went back and forth twice before I thought he gave up and sighed as I fully closed my eyes.

Before I had the chance to relax my whole I found my legs being dragged out of the leg as a scream left my mouth. My hair which was now completely messed up all over my face and my body lying flat on the floor.

Lifting my hands, I cleared my face looking up only to see a sly smirk on my stupid husband's face.

"τρία" He said with a cunning voice. My eyes widened as I scrambled off the floor.


"Δύο" He continued just as I was running off.


"At least give me more time" I cried out while managing to get myself out of the room



"Caught you" I heard as I picked up just as my foot hit the last step on the stairs.

"Okay, I am awake. That is what you wanted right? I mean we- we have a flight to catch, right? Like, look, woah its almost- uhh eight thirty" I said while fighting for my life in the only way I knew how to.

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