Heartfelt Confessions | Nikolai x Omar

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[Requested by SeriouslY_3k4]

Hi Eka, the #1 Nikomar fan I see LOL

The delinquent falls for the student council member... ah! Sounds promising, I try my best :D

Hope you enjoy haha, sorry for the delay, that's my apologies! Honestly, I'm quite proud with how this turned out LOL


[Incorrect Quote]

William: So... what's for dinner?
Ezra: I can't tell you, it's a soup-prise!
William: ... Is it soup?
Ezra: I soup-pose it could be!

Ezra winks at William.

William: Please, no more soup puns!
Ezra: Wow, that's soup-per mean.
William: STOP!

Later at the Dinner Table...

William: It was tacos this whole time?!
Ezra: I was taught not to soup-ress my creativity.

William: ...

This was the only the beginning of the William villain arc.



Nikolai couldn't comprehend his emotions.

Why did every single time he looked over to that particular boy in the student council and feel an overwhelming sense of adoration?

Nikolai was known as one of the delinquents on campus, having caused trouble and mischief in the past. It was seen as fun to the blonde, and he continued these pranks for quite some time. That is, until the student council changed positions early last year.

They gained a few new speakers with signups, which included a brunette named Omar. They offered him a position after seeing all his previous academic records, which were pretty high in class comparison standards.

Nothing about him would've stood out to the blonde, he was just the head member who seemed to be such a nerd at everything. He got good grades in class, his looks were always perfect... but the way he looked over at everybody when making an announcement from the council...

That day, his eyes glanced over at Nikolai while addressing the entire crowd, and the blonde felt something that he'd never felt before. The shining stars of his dark brown eyes, the white smile fitted on his tanned face, they made him all the more charming.

He was pretty cute, having a light dimple on his right cheek, messy but fluffy hair that he could never tame, and a beautiful smile that could light up the world.

Nikolai frowned, his face feeling hot thinking about the brunette.

What were all these strange thoughts he was having about him...? They didn't feel normal at all. No, he clearly didn't know what this was. He was casual friends with the other boy, but something about him made his heart race faster than the track.

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