More than Friends... | Jackson x John

898 19 18


Author's Note: This ship was requested by M7DALoba7, thank you for requesting! I decided to use the hanahaki disease for this prompt cause yes~

Hope you enjoy! Also, I'm deciding to do a random incorrect quote in my future chapters, just for fun, you know?


-your incorrect quote of the day-

Viola locks Kim-ly in a car.

[VIOLA] Act like a child, get treated like a child.

[KIM-LY] Wait, but isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?



Jackson catches the hanahaki disease, if you don't know about hanahaki, read on, it will be explained in the story.



"Anyways, I got to meet up with a friend, they're probably waiting for me," John said, looking at his watch.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow...," I wave goodbye to him as he walked down the street.

He waved back, as he disappeared at the end of the street.

Sighing sadly to myself, I clean up the small cafe like every other day. I wipe the counters with clean towels and mop up any spills on the floor.

My throat felt sore for some strange reason... I didn't drink any tea though...

I cough slightly into the counter sink. When I raise my head from coughing, I see a few pink petals, with red-looking liquid covering them, littering the sink.

How did those get there? I don't empty the teas in the sink... also, none of my teas used a red mixture...

I pick up one of the petals, still a bit coughing, and examined it closely. It looked like it had just grown recently. I smelled the red substance. It smelled just like blood.

I felt the need to cough again, so I did so in the sink. More petals and blood.

Is that from me?

I decide to close up the shop earlier than usual, still coughing, but into a small tissue. At least I didn't cough too much blood or petals on the way home.

I stayed at home, resting as much as I could, but none of the medicines or cold pills worked. I still continued to cough up those pink and red petals.

I decide to research on the symptoms I had throughout the day. I found this article marked "hanahaki disease."

The article read:

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