Animal Tattoos | Alex x Aria

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Author's Note: This ship was requested by MoonlightChronic, thank you for requesting! I always thought of animal themed AUs like this, but never got a chance to write about it, so I hope you like it!


-your incorrect quote of the day-

[DAN] Name a way to be nice to others.

[ALEX] Don't kill them.

[DAN] Setting the bar a little low, but I'll allow it.



A new tattoo shop opens up, offering some of the most beautiful animal-themed body art anyone's ever seen. Alex and Aria decide to get tattoos together, but little do they know that the tattoos are cursed! That evening, they discover that as soon as the sun sets, they turn into the animal featured in their tattoos.



"Alex! Alex!" a voice excitedly exclaimed behind me. I recognized it immediately as my friend Aria, who I hung out a lot nowadays whenever either of us felt bored or need comforting.

"What's up?" I smiled, hugging the smaller female around the waist. She squirmed out of my grip with a giggle, then turned to face me.

"Sorry if I'm bothering you," she said solemnly, which I brushed off.

"I don't mind. What's the big occasion this time?"

Her face brightened. "There's a new building opening this week, and I really want to see it! The opening day is today!"

I smile. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go see it!"


They walk down the street together excitedly, chatting and talking about what the new building would be used for. It hadn't been used for a long while, so they were amazed that it was finally going to be used.

"What do you think the building will be?" Aria asked.

Alex thought for a moment, then responded, "Maybe a new store or something. I haven't really seen construction around that area though, which makes me wonder how they built it this fast..."

Aria laughs. "Maybe they used magic or something!"

(She had no idea how right she was...)

Alex shook his head with a smile. "Magic doesn't really exist, maybe they are just fast workers and somehow completed it in a short period of time."

"Yeah, you might be right," she replied, "and here it is!"

She gestured at the small building standing in front of the two, looking almost like a small woodland cottage, which seems oddly out of place in the city.

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