Child's Play | Tamia x Viola

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Author's Note: This ship was requested by CorxiiMell, thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy the prompt, I apologize for taking so long for this, please forgive me ^^"

Also, I used a bit of wording from Mel's AU (Lights Out at Midnight), so sorry if you didn't want it there, I just had no ideas, now I will go dig a hole-


-your incorrect quote of the day-

[JO] You're smiling, did something good happen?

[JOHN] I can't smile just because I feel like it?

[LUKEY] Vinny tripped and fell in the parking lot.



Because of an unfortunate accident of being witched, Viola gets turned into a child, and Tamia has to take care of her.



I sleepily pulled the covers off the bed and wrap them around my shoulders comfortably. Like every other morning, I walked towards my friend Tamia's room, whose door was wide open. Usually it was closed, but I guess they forgot about that. I knocked on the swinging door, and I heard a response, "Come in!"

I walked in and yawned. Tamia was lying on the bed, just staring up at the ceiling with headphones on. They noticed me immediately, and sat up quickly.

"Oh hi, Vi! I didn't think you'd wake up this early," they say, smiling. I smile back shyly, I always felt a bit nervous around other people, so I somehow always get the jitters, even around them.

They jumped off the bed and walked with me to the dining room where everyone else was at, talking and laughing with each other. We were stuck in this murder house, so we better make the most out of it. I took out the milk jug from the fridge and poured a glass of milk (there were separate utensils and things laid out for every one of us, so that we didn't have to share the same spoon and so forth).

I walked back to the living room, and saw Tamia talking to a few other girls here in this house. It made me feel... jealous, sort of.

Tamia saw me immediately and excused themselves from the few girls (whose names I heard Tamia say "Colleen," "Alicia," and "Rosalie") and walked over to meet up with me. I felt a bit happier after that, for some reason. I just... I just get a warm feeling whenever they're around-

I drank the cup of milk while they told me what clues that they had found out by talking to the other house members. They said that a few people were innocent, like us two and a few others, so they knew to trust us with this information. I listened closely as Tamia whispered a few names who looked suspicious, names such as Qasim and Arielle...


I finished the glass of milk and washed it in the kitchen sink while Tamia went back out to the living room. I could hear all the commotion out there, people arguing and talking, some people giggling or laughing, and some-

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