One Heart | Omar x Cody

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Author's Note: This ship was requested by xXxwhy_whyxX, thank you so much for requesting! I apologize for the great lateness, I haven't been feeling the feeling to write for so long, but I'm getting back to requests! :D

Also, a bit of an angst warning, if you don't want to tear up a bit, don't read qwq

Also the picture above is Cody and Omar becoming friends, as the person who was Omar was a FTM transgender, and they got along really well! : )


-your incorrect quote of the day-

(oh and Abby and Missy are real Flicker characters that never made it into the game, you can read about them in the wiki below)

[abby:] [missy:]

[ABBY] I relate to Belle because she loves books and likes people for being themselves!

[MISSY] I relate to Tinkerbell because she needs attention or she dies



I won't explain the prompt, you'll understand in the story... :')

I've read this prompt a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure I still kind of remember it-



I hugged Omar, and then pulled away. I was leaving for a very important notice, most due to my condition.

I have a failing organ, or that's what most of my doctors say I have. Most of my life, I've had it, but somehow, I managed to survive with it, and I knew that I would die one day.

Nobody has any spare organs here, so my parents are flying me to the next town over, thinking that they might have spares, but I highly doubt it.

Hey, I'm fine with dying, as long as I know that those I love are alright. Like Omar. He's been my boyfriend for a while, long before I've known about my condition. He's been there for me for as long as I can remember, which is a reason why I love him.

"Hey, stay safe, okay? You're strong, I just know it," he said, hugging me. I teared up at this, and clutched him tighter, with his hand slowly wiping away my tears.

"You're going to be okay...," he cooed, soothingly stroking me. "Know that it's all alright, sugar... know that I'll always be with you..."

My parents came, telling me that the plane was being boarded at the very moment. I waved a goodbye to Omar as we boarded. Hopefully, I'll be able to see him again after this.

We fly for a while in the plane, and I awed at the sights below. Everything looks so small from this view! I always wanted to fly, but humans don't have the strength to carry themselves into the air, unfortunately.

We went on like this for a few hours, then our plane finally landed in the town's airport. We walked down the platform that was raised to the plane into the airport, glancing around. I was awed at most of the sights I saw, new smells, and new things I discovered.

I decided to text Omar, since I wasn't able to in the plane, and because I was feeling a bit bored waiting in the check-in line.


[Cody on the Cob] Hi Omar!


[Cody on the Cob] Omar?


[Cody on the Cob] Are you there???


Confused, I put away my phone and quickly follow my parents down the long aisles as we get checked in. Hopefully, I get my transplant quicker here, and then have time to spare with Omar back at home! But even if no transplants are available, at least I was able to spend time with him...

I wonder why he isn't answering my texts, usually, he'd respond with a 'hey' or something close to that. Maybe he's asleep or is busy right now, I mean, the time might be different here and there.

-long timeskip because the author is way too lazy to write here and because the author does not want to spend all eternity writing this part because she stinks at writing and need to get through so many requests that she is tired and lazy and- 

I happily walked down the hallway, careful not to race myself too much. Somebody, fortunately for me, took a heart transplant and gave me a heart to use.

Now I can live life fully, more than what I was expected to reach before, and at least it worked, many of the others didn't work for a transplant for me, so this is especially good news.

This took a few days, but I'm able to fully operate again. I decided to text Omar before we boarded the plane, maybe he'll answer this time!

But when I tried to text his number, I couldn't reach it. Every time I started writing to text him, the same message informing me that the number has been blocked kept popping up, that I couldn't access it, text him, or call him.

I guess I'll just talk to him in person then when we get home!

My parents and I wait in the check-out line, then we boarded the plane again, and I (like the last one) awed over the tiny sights near the horizon, light shining through the small windows of the plane. The clouds look so fluffy and wispy, and I just loved the feeling of being high in the sky.

-small timeskip-

Finally, after another few hours of waiting, we finally landed in the airport. I may have been a bit too rushing, and basically went zoom out of the plane.

We rode a bus home, me bouncing on the seat with excitement, with my parents leaning over and holding me down so that I won't fall out of my seat.

My house was just across Omar's, so I decided to walk across the road to his house after we unpacked a few of our stuff.

After we unloaded some of the luggage that we packed for the trip, I ran over to Omar's house as quickly as I could. I was excited and happy to talk to him again, even though we've only been apart for a few days or so.

Reza answered the door, greeting me with slight discomfort. I asked him if I could talk to Omar, but all I got was a head shake and a question.

"Do you know what happened?"

I shook my head, heart pounding at his words.

At this, he sadly shook his head, then his next words made me cry.

"He was the one to give you his heart."

(qwq, this prompt made me sad... apologies if you don't like angst, I thought about this prompt again after a while of thinking, anyways, I'll see you guys soon, and lots of love to you all~)

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